It is true that you can know where you’re at in your journey — if you’re learning your lessons and growing beyond the limits of the old, and likely small story — by looking objectively at the people and situations that are occupying your life.
Tag: philosophy
When you are aiming to reprogram your set patterns and to elevate yourself toward gratitude, ease, grace and flow, one of the simplest — yet profound — tools at your disposal is an affirmation.
First of all, allow yourself to take a minute to sit with everything that is coming up into your awareness upon reading the title above.
Since about 2007, I have snapped about 1000-5000 photos per year. When I was working on photo or video projects, that number would probably multiply by 10. In contrast, for this past year, I’ve only had my phone for photography, so I am much more selective.
To be loved
As a beloved;
To know belonging
Rather than ever
To be longing
Is it merely a question, or is it the only question?