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Tag: propaganda

A Dearth of the Real on Earth

This morning it’s raining, which makes me chuckle, as a few weeks ago my landlord was saying something along the lines of, “I wonder how bad this drought might get.” Which made me ask, “What drought?” He said, “They’ve been talking about how dry it might get this year.” To which I responded, frowning, “Sounds like they’ve been watching too much TV.”

Citizenship is a Choice

You’ve always got options. The world today practically demands you think outside the borders you and/or your children may have been born into. The covid FRAUD and other recent and ongoing hoaxes (OMG, CLIMATE!!! OMG, DEI!!! OMG, GENITALS!!! OMG, ZOMBIE CHICKENS!!!) should hopefully have challenged or rightly snapped your tired, distracted, or complacent mind out of any notion that your government truly has your best interests at heart. Good grief.


In nearly every aspect of civilization, we have reached a low point in modern times. The vaunted and respected institutions of politics and government, science and medicine, education, the military and intelligence communities, journalism and entertainment, and, of course, finance, industry, and commerce have disappeared. They are rotten to the core, with agendas, deceptions, and an obsessive focus on anything but the true, common, and good.

Status Quo, Part 3: War, What is it Good For?

War is a racket, both as a loud and disturbing noise, as well as an illegal or fraudulent enterprise. All wars throughout history were and are based entirely on lies, misdirection, propaganda, and fabricated narratives, employed with malice aforethought by those who have the motives and the means.

The story presented is not the real story, though it may be sprinkled with a few true facts here and there, to appease an easily misguided and misled (emotionally manipulated, mind controlled) populace. In a world of no real scarcity or lack, where humans are generally calm, caring, compassionate, collaborative, and empathic, it’s astonishing how readily and repeatedly we are goaded into playing right into the lies. Never are we to find a steadiness and lasting balance within a construct that appears to have a negative bias by default.