44. I’m seeing it all the time now (no, not so much in the trees or the melancholy winter sky ;-). Numbers and patterns are fascinating. The way nature and the nuances of life reflect and bounce around us is musical, when you exist in the space of love.
Tag: purpose
The way we tend to live our everyday lives is a fairly low-level of consciousness. In fact, it’s mostly unconscious. Let’s be honest.
If you’re truly interested in it — an art form or skill, another language, a stronger, healthy body or mind, a trade, fixing an engine, travel, coding, reading more books, sailing, film stunts, special FX makeup, building CG worlds, scoring a film like John Williams, writing a script or novel — make it a part of your life, or it’ll remain apart from it.
You’ve undoubtedly read a number of books, sufficiently covering the gamut of self-help, philosophy, success, how-to, spirituality, business, and relationships…
Newness is addictive to the wanderer-type. We can bounce around careers, vocations, projects, relationships, cities, countries… without taking the time to become utterly amazing at something.