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Tag: self awareness

Storms and Waterfalls

The world is a loud, noisy place. Information and opinions and flashy headlines and ad campaigns are ubiquitous, constantly pounding into our skulls the ideas, messages and agendas of someone else, generally under the guise of being “for the common good”. We must be ever vigilant with our cognitive and emotional resources.


Desire engages the infinity of the universe. Our programs and conditions limit their expression and flow.

Chapter Endings

For a long time, I used to be calculating with how and when I would give or share my love, energy and attention. “What about my needs?” would inevitably creep in to my otherwise genuinely generous state of mind, degrading and demoting a caring presence into a transaction. “This is a one-way relationship…me to them. It’s all about them.” is another frequent scarcity-based belief, a condition, a program I’ve learned is not my own. I borrowed it at some point, and it has poisoned my process, my beingness, my authenticity in critical moments.