We’re in the process of cleaning up our individual and collective traumatic and emotional garbage. This is quite evident. We’re also taking more responsibility for cleaning up our planet.
Tag: trauma
It’s funny the things that can trigger us. If you’re aware, you will hopefully get ahead of it, but usually, it’ll have the effect of rolling over and falling out of bed, or missing that first step and tumbling down the stairs like a rag doll.
There’s no such thing as ‘more abundance’. It’s either abundance or lack.
No love is wasted. When we’re open, we give naturally of that which flows through all things, infinitely. Any judgement or condition or expectation we put upon it is simply a fear-based program.
We’re taught from the start that something is missing — that we must fix ourselves to find peace. But what if the key isn’t in perfecting or erasing our flaws, but in embracing them — finding freedom in the beautiful mess of being human?