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Tag: humanity

Growing Beyond

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a fairly common phrase in Western culture, aimed primarily at children, particularly in public education settings. I believe this notion is a disease of our time, a psychological sliver that distracts the mind and makes a slave of the spirit.

A Fading Polarity: Healing Enmity Within

Money is a difficult subject. It’s not real, but our entire world revolves around it. To protect it, the ultra-rich will fight or start a war. The average person will work between 20 and 110 hours per week to earn it. The homeless will beg for it. Of course, there are varying degrees in between. The concept exemplifies a fundament that underpins much of our strange reality: giving value, influence, and power to fleeting thoughts, feelings, and objects.

How We See the World

Imagine we could compare ourselves to a digital camera: the eyes are the lenses (we choose what to focus on), our beliefs are the filters (we choose what, and how information passes through), our mind is the image sensor (information gathering; how things appear to be), and our intellect (education, knowledge, level of understanding; preconception, indoctrination, interpretation, imagination) is a translator, or encoder/decoder.