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Much of our modern technology is designed and derived of solutions for basic living, in an effort to make easier the typical, common, mindless tasks we find inconvenient. The side effect of this is widespread laziness, apathy, and complacency, wherein the utilization of a machine in place of human function and ability is making us soft, dumb and distracted.

We want ease of function, process, and procedure in secondary aspects of our lives, usually because the other two-thirds of our time is dedicated to sleeping or engaged in work, career, training or education, parenting or mentorship – and possibly unfulfilling, repetitive, stressful situations. It can define a mental trap wherein the hours of labor put into earning a living leave us wanting, exasperated, unmotivated and more than willing to compromise; to achieve a bare minimum of peace and enjoyment in the few hours that remain in the day.

The problem is thus compounded; our attachment to linear time, our perception of limited resources, and our chronic need to alleviate the many aspects of a perceived lack and scarcity of the human condition. All of these ideas and beliefs complicate, accumulate, and weigh on our hearts and minds, very likely without end. So when it comes to exploring or developing our higher, forgotten or unknown faculties and abilities, and our expansive awareness, we invariably miss out. And to make up for “lost time”, we employ devices and distractions, vices and transient, superficial attractions.

The term “smart” is utterly, shamefully misused, and most often employed ironically. Smartphones are nothing of the kind. A smart home or a smart city is, in general, an unnecessary, remarkably lazy excuse to further electrify our living spaces, and to increase exponentially our exposure to electromagnetic radiation – and to unwittingly submit to yet more surveillance. We’ve been conditioned to believe in artificially created and woefully generic, basic needs. Observe your reaction to the Wi-Fi signal suddenly and randomly going down… even if only for a minute!

Out in the world, there is a plainly evident transhumanist agenda that is working hard to convince us we’re lacking, needing, incomplete, faulty and weak – without the assistance of industrial medicine, technology, machine learning, and AI. Granted, for those who’ve suffered injury, these solutions may offer critical function and mobility – however, we know that given the right circumstances, humans are remarkably capable of healing and recovering fully from a vast array of injury and disease.

Extreme considerations and technological shortcuts shouldn’t necessarily be the first and only option. Rather than disciplined effort to develop our innate and untapped natural abilities, we’re being trained into the notion that it’ll require a chip, prosthetic, or other variety of mechanical or technical enhancement with which to explore beyond what we consider today as average, and the woeful limitations humanity is subjected to in this reality. Life is busy, complicated, overwhelming, stressful, worrying, exhausting and hard to manage. Our bodies and minds are fragile, temperamental, subject to aging and decay, and we spread viruses, death, and disease everywhere we go.


Why does it need to be convenient? Why does it need to be easy? Have you ever researched human history? Have you ever picked up a hardcover tome from the dusty shelves, far away from the “bestsellers” rack? These stories and themes repeat over and over and over again. Eyes open. Is your reality based on the curated information of for-profit search engines, heavily censored and deeply manipulative social media, and the unified, controlled voice of mainstream narratives? You may not be aware of just how distorted your view of reality has become.

We’ve become broadly, unconsciously, and unapologetically dependent on our modern conveniences. But if and when they’re threatened, or in any way limited, controlled or removed, will we compromise, comply and capitulate? Will we bow to systemic pressures to conform, and to go against our intuitive knowing, or will we finally recognize the error in, and slippery slope of our modern ways?

I’m certainly not anti-tech. I love the machines that have helped me explore my creative outlets throughout my lifetime. And I’m not at all against intelligently designed, labor-saving technologies that improve and enhance and complement a healthy, productive, fulfilling lifestyle. The argument here is for pro-natural-human considerations, before any supplanting or bypassing of our own gifts, skills, aptitudes, and abilities.

Most of us have no real idea of what we’re truly capable of.

Think about what you’re doing. Think about who you are being. Think about what you value and believe in. Think about our children and what is in store for the next seven generations.

What will be your legacy?

Solvitur ambulando