I’ve tried far too often over the years to avoid pain. All it ever did was double the intensity or duration of the inevitable.
Instead of earning the unseen rewards and embracing the learning process, it was a trial, it was a reason to bitch and whine and complain.
But, it had to happen in exactly that way.
The right thing to do is never comfortable.
How you face pain determines who you are.
In hindsight, I am grateful for the struggles and rather unnecessary suffering. No matter the situation or circumstance, I grew from it, discovered a hidden talent, honed useful skills, found a new passion or creative outlet, or helped someone to achieve their dreams — or perhaps what they thought to be so.
Pain is coming anyway.
Don’t get a shield.
Get a saddle.
Tame it.
Intention is everything. Perspective is filtered through those inherited and adopted perception filters, and none of them are real. None. What’s true is always within you, and avoiding pain almost always suppresses the truth.
Solvitur ambulando