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Category: Journal Entries

thoughts, ponderings, experiences and lessons learned. or, something deep and life-changing.


If you’re conflicted about a relationship, career, or life choice (or anything else that’s weighing on you, influencing your decisions, causing energetic stagnation, and making you wince when others make suggestions for you), you must be willing to sit with it, explore it, and define your reasoning, beliefs, and perceptions.


Just because something, or someone, isn’t available to you right now, doesn’t mean the desires and feelings aren’t valid.


There are no real missed marks, opportunities, or wasted moments.

There are choices, limitless possibilities, preferences, and perspectives. Every moment we allow ourselves to dance in the space between impulse and (re)action, observance and question, is utterly perfect.


Vulnerability is a tricky thing.

We live in a society with many ambiguous ideas about what strength, power, and courage are. We live in a society that thrives (or, more accurately, subsists) on basic function, emotional bargaining, manipulation, and underdevelopment.