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Much of what we associate with identity is a puree of cumulative experiments, experiences, genetics, environment and circumstance.

We establish beliefs: we adopt them, borrow them, or get numbed into complacently adhering to them. Our feeling self notifies us early on if we resonate with what’s being presented. As we grow through the story, hopefully we develop or assume the courage to recognize when something “other” offers us more identifiable notions and heart murmurings.

Nobody likes feeling or acting like a fraud, and if ever we force ourselves to push through or to see light where it only ever feels heavy, a part of us is energetically, spiritually, and physically hurt.

This is the unconscious malice behind trying to fit in. We attempt to bend our own hard-coded rules to appease or appreciate, to mollify or make do, to pretend it’s somehow true and real enough.

To mask what it means to be you is to destroy in our world what is true.

We don’t need to keep reminding ourselves that conformed, and identical feels… off. It tastes awful, after the fact. It was not only a painful process, but continues to injure us in perpetuity.

Have you noticed how much of our social media posting and big screen and streaming entertainment is just passable? Just… meh? There is so much that is derivative that it really could be its own genre.

Originality takes courage. It takes epic failure. It takes passion — not just bitterness, entitlement, and practiced vitriol. Anybody can be a jaded prick. Artists can certainly be prickly, but always with a certain sparkle in their eye.

Developing character requires purification and brutal truth. It demands authenticity and burning off of all the bullshit. If it feels uncomfortable, question it and look again.

That tickle in your throat is asking you to speak up. The nausea in your belly is asking you to throw up. The numbing in your feet are saying stand up… and dance.

Pay attention to what you identify with. Heed your increasing conscious awareness and trust the flow.

You are more. You are enough.

Solvitur ambulando