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Tag: identity

Race Wars: Fake and Well Funded

Generation after generation keeps falling into the same cycle. None of it exists in nature, but you can bet that your nature gets weaponized against you. It doesn’t matter where in the realm you hail from, because they play this game in all cultures, societies, religions, financial, and political organizations. Wherever they can drive a wedge, there will be a scheme to play you against your fellow humans.

Just Drop It

You have thought that particular series of thoughts a million times, maybe more. Drop it. Let the river wash it away. Never give it another moment of your time, nor another erg of your life’s energy.


We’re at a stage in our human journey where spirituality (consciousness) and technology are evolving and emerging at comparable, concurrent rates — and it seems as if it’s somewhat of a competition, depending on how you look at it.


There are infinite ways to pick apart psychology. I strive to maintain an objective stance, but I am no expert and solely wish to unravel things more than to constrain them into simple black or white labels.