We carry unseen weights through life — old fears, doubts, and beliefs that don’t belong to us. Caught between contradictions, we struggle until we pause long enough to feel a deeper truth beneath the chaos. It’s here, in this quiet alignment, that the true journey begins.
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We carry all sorts of strange weights and hindrances with us in this life. Much of the journey is experienced through a dichotomy or contradiction — both within and without — until we break free.
Like a pedantic metronome, the slowest tempo creates the widest oscillation. Our life path mirrors this rhythm, with ups and downs, but it’s our frequency — our vibration — that truly matters.
Lower, baser energies, perceptions, and beliefs suppress our playfulness, ease, and joy, while hindering the progress of our personal mission. Dwelling in the heaviness keeps us trapped in a range of manipulable emotions, where our resolve can rise only to frequencies of resentment, vengeance, apathy, and depression.
This state can serve as a useful therapeutic process, but for many, it may be the extent of their lifetime’s experience. That’s OK, but most won’t feel truly content with it. There’s always an itch, a yearning for something more, something to scratch…
Even when our intuition is suppressed, life will find ways to challenge our stubbornness, injecting moments of wonder. People will show up (or show up again); new family will be born or found, old family will drift away or pass on; accidents, coincidences, economic windfalls, and bankruptcies will unfold — the expected, and most likely, the unexpected.
What we seek is not numbness or detachment, but steady, engaged presence.
When we overvalue external influences, we disconnect from our truth. We begin to rely on outer validation rather than strengthening our authentic character. This erodes trust in our own guidance, creating a naive dependence on others — and thus, we enter the shame, blame, and guilt game.
The more we stop investing creative energy in vacuous distractions, the more we align with the beneficent flow of life. By focusing on better-feeling thoughts — the exciting, engaging options before us — we naturally direct our attention away from people, situations, and circumstances that no longer resonate.
Everyone matters. Everyone counts. Everyone is cared for. But a specific kind of spiritual selfishness allows us to align with teachers and lessons that resonate most deeply, while granting others the freedom to find their own path.
With every breath, love.