Throughout our lives we go through numerous stages of planning, doing, learning, failing and succeeding. In our minds, it’s generally a ceaseless battlefield, and often, it’s a battle that faces directly inward, full of insults, challenges, judgments and largely harmless or empty threats.
Tag: conscious awareness
Our greatest journey is quite often hidden amongst the everyday, in plain sight. It waits and formulates, adjusts and adapts, acts and reacts.
My cousin is the big sister I needed in this life. We spent a lot of time together in my teens, as she’d lived with us while going to university. I think she also kept me from losing myself in utter loneliness, but she was also one of the only people I didn’t mind being around all the time.
There are no authorities outside of your own original self. There are reflections to show you where you are at, guides to help you remove…
Commit to it. The more you dabble, wish-wash, flip-flop and dally — since we know the universe only knows “yes” — the more you’ll exist in a state of chaos and confusion. You’ll fall back into and endlessly repeat patterns based on your established beliefs.