The dissident voice, or truther community, has always been heavily scrutinized, ridiculed, and considered to be the lesser, ignorant, extremist element of society, where fringe believers of a vast sea of conspiracy theories, and seemingly outrageous claims about our reality gravitate toward and propagate. And because of a persistent smear campaign — meticulously maintained across all mass, centralized media sources since time immemorial — that keeps these curious, questioning, researching, investigative minds segmented and ostracized from the mainstream narrative, it’s only too easy to cast anything and anyone who dares to challenge orthodoxy, doctrine, and established paradigm into the same bin.
Tag: culture and society
The Earth, nature, provides all we need, whether it’s food, medicine, water, materials for shelter and for our arts, perfect sunlight and the stars. But in the modern world, we’ve learned about, adopted, adapted to and live by the endless, cyclical insanity of “not enough” — a distorted epistemic failing, supplanting the otherwise organic human inclinations toward communal betterment, spiritual discovery and genuine self-improvement. The two ideas do not complement each other, and so, we suffer.
It’s been a banner year for team human. Whatever side of the equation you find yourself on, it’s been a singular challenge, and an ongoing struggle to reconcile endless confusion and contradictions. The time has never been so ripe for massive, positive change, yet it is also a time of intense contrast, saturated with a palpable emptiness.
We can waste an awful lot of time, energy and resources going through and abiding by cyclical mental processes, based almost entirely on our imagination.