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Tag: emotional intelligence

Picky; Prickly

Have your preferences, but remain open. If you never get to — or have yet to — experience exactly what you’ve always wanted, how do you even know it’s actually what you want?

Stealing Focus

Be aware of that which steals or misdirects your focus — not to guilt or shame yourself, nor the source, but simply to reclaim your creative energies; to discharge and depolarize any and all flow or substance that would better serve you elsewhere.

Finding a Pulse

It’s rare that we speak with conviction and power, save the plentiful moments when we’ve reached the end of our ropes, when something has triggered us; when we are primarily reactive and defensive, rather than in our truth, strength, and vulnerability.


As with anything in this life, the more we agree to the conditions of an accepted limitation or barrier, the more we will find ways to justify and/or argue for it.