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Tag: heart

A Fading Polarity: Healing Enmity Within

Money is a difficult subject. It’s not real, but our entire world revolves around it. To protect it, the ultra-rich will fight or start a war. The average person will work between 20 and 110 hours per week to earn it. The homeless will beg for it. Of course, there are varying degrees in between. The concept exemplifies a fundament that underpins much of our strange reality: giving value, influence, and power to fleeting thoughts, feelings, and objects.


Entitlement is an intriguing, pervasive, and debilitating concept that is passed down and passed around these days. Large segments of our society have devolved into childish, narcissistic, populist, morally relativistic, gossipy, and infantilized dramatists. It benefits only woke mobs, cancel culture, public relations firms, and ideologues.

Whatever Arises

Stuff will come up as we delve into our depths, liberating the flow of our authenticity. Our challenge is to transcend the usual reflexes and impulses we’ve been reliant upon. We need to be okay with them.

Our Worth

Our self-worth game can be ugly. However, when we are open to it, the lessons and learning are readily apparent.