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Tag: perception

General Intelligence

The times, there are a changin’. And quickly. Our individual and collective human expression, our story, is adapting, as it always does, but many are feeling disillusioned and disenfranchised by all the madness. The plandemic, fraud decades in the making, threw much of the modern world for a loop, the repercussions of which are still rippling out in all directions. AI is now suddenly in our face, in our phones, in our wallets, our offices, and our homes. Health and wellness is seemingly always under threat, by ourselves, and by manufactured extrinsic means, as disease, mutations, variants and epidemics are ubiquitous in the media. In this article, I delve a little into some of the main themes and concerns for our time, and explore perspectives, opinions, ideas and directions that may help to reframe aspects of our lives in a different light.

The Threat Is Enough

Most of the things we fear will happen are entirely products of our minds and imagination. Symptoms of our accumulated patterning, programming and conditioning make for fertile soil within which our minds can quickly and repeatedly generate worry, fear and stress. Unfortunately, the world around us (that is, the unnatural, man-made world) has a bent toward reminding us perpetually about the threats that exist to our health and safety, our money and security, our planet, our rights and freedoms, and more.

The threat is enough. Given these conditions, the mere suggestion of terrible futures and outcomes there could be, for many, is enough to trigger latent energies, traumas and unexamined toxic beliefs that continually redirect, fragment and consume our time and energy on a daily basis.

Source Material

It’s all bullshit. If and when you start digging into anything and everything significant that seemed to occur in these past months — and perhaps years, decades or centuries — nothing about it is genuine. It’s all someone’s hidden influence, someone’s fiction, or someone’s delusion of shaping the world in their image.

Reorder Fulfilment

If we choose to rely on the outward, external influences to fulfil us, to fill that hole in our heart, mind, or spirit, we keep ourselves limited (and thus dependent) upon that which we cannot control — save our biased perception of it, but that’s another topic. However, when we step into the realization and embody the knowing that we are ultimately the source of both the creative impulse, and concurrently our fulfilment of said impulse (regardless of what the world shows us) we move in the direction of complete acceptance; we engender the true nature of surrender.