When we look at someone, we instantly process their appearance, primarily on a subconscious level. We may find attraction, based on what is essentially an algorithm we’ve been instilled with and has itself evolved throughout the countless influences and circumstances we grew up around. Our parents, or primary guardians, are inevitably the strongest influences in what draws (or repels) us, naturally. It’s emotional, too, and magnetic. Yet, beyond the surface, what we cannot usually see with our naked eyes affects us, too.
Tag: personal development
It’s very hard work to maintain the illusion. You’ll work a labor job, or office job, build a business that someone else taught you about in a book or seminar, or buy and sell real estate — all of which is designed around building material security and the traditional means by which our world still operates to this day. What you’re also readily aware of, is that all of these external gains and acquisitions can be taken from you at any moment. It happens all the time with fires, accidents, theft, market corrections and crashes, recessions, lawsuits, and any number of unpredictable economic conditions.
Life will always be pushing you to hone, refine, resolve, overcome—to be the whole you. It could be your woman, your man, your friend, your so-called enemy, it doesn’t matter. Who or what it is is relevant to you, in the present, at this junction, because it’s only ever now that offers us the chance to grow, to change, to align with our truer nature, or to continue dying.
Your judgments change nothing. Stop squandering your creatorship. Use what you see in the world simply as a reference point. Use it as a reflection, as a mirroring of things that you yourself can effect change toward by changing your own consciously aware behavior.
On the awakening path—on the journey to emotional, spiritual and conscious maturity—we’ll come time and again to familiar roadblocks. Frustratingly, the reality is that what wasn’t supposed to happen again, did. But this is the crux of the process, because if we choose to react heavily, to resist, to spiral down the same trap of negativity (the martyr/victim paradigm), we set ourselves back into that old groovy rut from whence we are working to elevate.