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Tag: politics

Race Wars: Fake and Well Funded

Generation after generation keeps falling into the same cycle. None of it exists in nature, but you can bet that your nature gets weaponized against you. It doesn’t matter where in the realm you hail from, because they play this game in all cultures, societies, religions, financial, and political organizations. Wherever they can drive a wedge, there will be a scheme to play you against your fellow humans.

Mamas and the Trans Trance

In my opinion, and I understand that this is a contentious issue in this day and age, the most important thing for women to be in life is mothers. Not all women, of course. Why? Simply put, it is critical to the health, survival, and proliferation of the human species — unless you believe in the lies of climate alarmism or population control, the “threat” of A.I. or transhumanism, malignant transgenderism, or a variety of other pseudoscientific nonsense.

Citizenship is a Choice

You’ve always got options. The world today practically demands you think outside the borders you and/or your children may have been born into. The covid FRAUD and other recent and ongoing hoaxes (OMG, CLIMATE!!! OMG, DEI!!! OMG, GENITALS!!! OMG, ZOMBIE CHICKENS!!!) should hopefully have challenged or rightly snapped your tired, distracted, or complacent mind out of any notion that your government truly has your best interests at heart. Good grief.


In nearly every aspect of civilization, we have reached a low point in modern times. The vaunted and respected institutions of politics and government, science and medicine, education, the military and intelligence communities, journalism and entertainment, and, of course, finance, industry, and commerce have disappeared. They are rotten to the core, with agendas, deceptions, and an obsessive focus on anything but the true, common, and good.

Status Quo, Part 2: A State of Things

The less dependence you have on the State, as well as their manifest, declared State of Things, the healthier, wealthier, and more peaceful, productive, loving, and naturally wise a human you’ll likely be. But can we operate in any meaningful capacity while practicing strict detachment from All that Apparently Is? For most of us, some kind of external authority informs, disrupts, and intrudes into every aspect of modern life. Is it possible to simply turn it away, shut it down, and turn it off? Can we, and would we want to accept full responsibility for ourselves?

Not likely. Not in any hurry, at least, not without significant and terrifying disruption to our ideas of normality, safety, and security. Not without shaking the foundation of all that generations of relative prosperity and abundance have entrained us into relying upon.