I was walking on the beach at low tide the other day, amazed at how much sandy goodness hides under all that salty brine. I came across five large words scrawled in the sand: vax, mask, distance, calm, care. I wish I’d take a photo of it, because it was amusing, annoying and infuriating all at the same time.
Tag: propaganda
As one delves deeper into unraveling the true nature of things, it becomes increasingly evident that nothing about this world defines much in the way of certainty. It’s all theater, variations on themes, recycled myths, stories and narratives, and endless apparent cycles of birth, death and renewal. What do we really know about the truth of anything?
We’re in the midst of widespread and multi-faceted impositions; an assault on our senses and sensemaking, accelerating nefarious agendas, collapsing regimes and realities, and the systemic exposure of the ugliness among us that’s been hiding in plain sight forever.