When there is no agreement about what is a valid source of fact, persuasion cannot bridge the divide. Besides, as the saying goes, you cannot…
Tag: propaganda
“Pfizer recorded 1,223 possible vaccine deaths during the first 90 days of covid vaccine rollout.” — The Pulse, Dec. 26, 2021 And nearly a…
Just as far too many health-related concerns have since mid-2020 been aggressively corralled and crammed haphazardly into the soon-to-be-infamous “covid containment” ideology, so, too, are disparate and conflicting ecological and environmental concerns being relayed to “climate change” (or, green ideology). In both camps, alarmists and experts alike have been saying “the science is settled,” which, of course, it most certainly is not.
Most of the things we fear will happen are entirely products of our minds and imagination. Symptoms of our accumulated patterning, programming and conditioning make for fertile soil within which our minds can quickly and repeatedly generate worry, fear and stress. Unfortunately, the world around us (that is, the unnatural, man-made world) has a bent toward reminding us perpetually about the threats that exist to our health and safety, our money and security, our planet, our rights and freedoms, and more.
The threat is enough. Given these conditions, the mere suggestion of terrible futures and outcomes there could be, for many, is enough to trigger latent energies, traumas and unexamined toxic beliefs that continually redirect, fragment and consume our time and energy on a daily basis.