As we continue to shed old and outdated ideas in all areas of life, this one tends to be a complicated one. There’s a certain self-righteousness that is inevitably attached to the notion of unconditional love. But, perhaps we can unpack it a little, so to benefit ourselves, and anyone who will come across our path in this life.
Tag: spirituality
Today, we have mounting scientific evidence to back up claims and ideas that we can overcome most any health condition, and actively alter the ways in which our genes express themselves. We can, and do, choose how our mind and body represent our spirit and consciousness.
Throughout our lives we go through numerous stages of planning, doing, learning, failing and succeeding. In our minds, it’s generally a ceaseless battlefield, and often, it’s a battle that faces directly inward, full of insults, challenges, judgments and largely harmless or empty threats.
To me, commitment is the choice to walk the walk; the decision to own the talk. Conviction, then, is the development of an unshakable belief in the walk, while forging (or tapping into) a deeper resilience along the way.
On the surface, it may seem like you’re letting go of the person, the friend or the relationship, but it is more likely you’re letting go of the pattern.