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John Towner - Unsplash

Whatever Arises

As we embrace our authentic selves and navigate the discomfort of uncertainty, we learn to love whatever arises — flaws, fears, and old patterns alike. This practice reclaims our power and creates space for growth, insight, and possibilities aligned with who we are now.

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Delving into authenticity often stirs old issues, worries, and patterns to the surface. Our task is to transcend reflexive habits and grow comfortable with uncertainty. Attempts to control thoughts, feelings, or perceived flaws only tether us to past versions of ourselves. To move forward, we must choose acceptance, curiosity, and openness instead.

Loving whatever arises is neither defeat nor passivity. It is an act of reclamation and restoration, freeing us from mental constructs tied to outdated beliefs. This approach fosters recapitulation, or spiritual integration, clarity, and resonance with what is true now.

When the urge to deflect, blame, justify, or self-criticize emerges, resist the pull of distraction. Don’t mask discomfort with entertainment, busyness, food, drink, or substances. Sit with it. Observe your separation from the thought or feeling — it is not you. It is a fabrication, a teaching tool, and it is transient. You, as the master of your journey, chose to experience and learn from it.

Every step of your path — from failure to triumph — has shaped you. Rising above old paradigms reveals the unique gift of who you are, a gift to the human collective. The limitless abundance of your heart offers fresh insight, intuition, and inspired direction for your next steps, aligned with your present self.

So, whatever arises, love that.

Love your life

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Sensations” from the Wander album.