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On Motivation and Transformation

Audio Version (featuring music by Sergii Pavkin)

In the Western world, we have learned to live with a complex web of constraints, the majority of which are cleverly disguised. Many of us have forgotten our childhood dreams by the time we reach adulthood, and we live a mostly functional, but quietly desperate, life.

If you’re feeling defensive, the reasons and justifications are irrelevant, as is the need for them right away. This is a deeper issue, and it is critical to break the cycle of paralysis and psychosis.

Motivational speakers thrive on this perceived lack. I believe we are past the need for subjective motivation. We can now see the transparency and long-term inefficacy of it. Much can be said about almost nothing, but it can inspire a tired heart, touch and excite a few nerves, and possibly motivate someone to do the work and truly change their lives.

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Motivation is one thing; transformation is another entirely. One is, or has become, primarily superficial and formulaic. The other is grounded, intentional, and deeply empathic. It’s critical to understand the difference. A wave of change-makers, writers, teachers, and conscious activists is emerging in exactly this manner.

CEOs, athletes and sports, cheerleaders, and medals on podiums are all motivational. Transformational means delving into the essence and guiding people to recognize the champion who is and has always been there, regardless of external, subjective, or fleeting achievements.

Conformity, manipulation, convention, and competition are all motivational factors. Curiosity, integration, invention, and collaboration are all components of transformational thinking; it is the art of discovering or rediscovering our values, assets, and natural gifts.

Motivational is manufactured, chemical, artificial, and employs shortcuts. Transformational means gathering kindling, friction, callouses, embers, and sustained passion; it is the burning away of impurities with the white-hot heat of love.

The journey of reconnecting with the dream is a new journey toward freedom. Reconnecting with the authentic, core, innocent, genuine, true source of motivation, and true fountain of youth gives us the freedom to be who we truly are, wholly, honestly, and completely.

This is a period of great transformation, both within and without. You can see it everywhere. True inspiration and motivation are always present when we stop trying. As the saying goes, we just need to get out of our own way.

Kyle Cease, is a transformational speaker.

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