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Tag: collective evolution

We Need to Start…

This is a common phrase I hear in podcasts and interviews with people who are aiming to enlighten, awaken, inform, inspire and shake-up the paradigms to move humanity toward collective solutions and peaceful progress. I think it’s important to approach all of these ideas differently.

In Defense of Annihilation

It’s clear that as a species, we need the ideas of climate crisis, and global economic and political collapse. We require these seemingly insurmountable challenges to both unite us, and to force us to break through the patterns and paradigms that have brought us exactly and perfectly to this intensely catalytic point in modern history.

The Gentle Winds

As we transition toward a grander, multidimensional perspective, seeing how time and tense isn’t as linear as we’d previously believed, all aspects of our human psychology will evolve and require a bio, neuro, somatic, and psychosomatic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic reorientation.