No matter what you choose as a career, business, vocation or life’s work, you are always self-employed. You choose where and how to spend your hours and days; if you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, unproductive, or bored—or doing it just for the money—you’re choosing to squander your creative power, and thus your capacity to be of service.
Tag: consciousness
Regardless of what others think, say or do, ultimately, we are the only ones that can and do judge ourselves.
When you finally come to grips with the idea that much of Western (or modern, capitalist/consumerist) society exists within a low-level mental cloud of illusory belief systems, you will realize that there is a lot that you need to unlearn, in an effort to reframe your world as you know it.
Follow your bliss. Move toward what is most exciting. What feels right, right now? Do that.
But, why?
As we continue to shed old and outdated ideas in all areas of life, this one tends to be a complicated one. There’s a certain self-righteousness that is inevitably attached to the notion of unconditional love. But, perhaps we can unpack it a little, so to benefit ourselves, and anyone who will come across our path in this life.