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Tag: heart


Relationships in our society really do have all the odds stacked against them: Religion and spirituality, finances, education, career, emotional intelligence, values and priorities, sex,…

The Fearful

We are so afraid. You can see the evidence everywhere: how we treat ourselves; how we consciously and unconsciously control and manipulate each other; how we raise our kids; how we treat employees; how we need lawyers; how we troll on social media, and how the vast majority of snap judgment is biased toward the negative and fearful.

Take My Hand

If they won’t, can’t or aren’t available to meet you halfway, move along. Spiritual connection takes precedence over the animal/carnal needs (perhaps a tall order in a hyper-sexualized society). If it’s to be, it will.

Stealing Focus

Be aware of that which steals or misdirects your focus — not to guilt or shame yourself, nor the source, but simply to reclaim your creative energies; to discharge and depolarize any and all flow or substance that would better serve you elsewhere.