I never understood the urge to belong to something that didn’t matter — to chase trends, fit in, or mold myself into someone else’s idea of acceptable. Even as a kid, it seemed clear: most of what passed for “normal” was just noise, distracting us from who we could actually become.
Tag: human nature
The realm in which we live offers us an enormous amount of programming and conditioning that can impede and stifle our progress in life. At every turn, you may encounter new and more deceptive traps that will lead you away from your source of innate knowledge and wisdom. However, the path of truth is always present, as one cannot exist without the other. Do you accept their offer, or do you rise above?
Throughout the ages, humankind has existed in this realm amid a persistent conflict or contrasting of energies, a master wave comprised of myriad pulsing frequencies of smaller waves. This simulated reality construct maintains an oscillation of lived physical experience somewhere on the scale between good and evil. Regardless of the civilization, era, or epoch, it appears an uneasy homeostasis is perpetuated, whether by conscious and obvious or unconscious and subtle means. Whatever the circumstance, whatever the reason, the evidence is clear that neither good nor evil ever dominates entirely, but neither do they secede.
Word play is fun. As the title suggests, the purpose of this essay is to delve into this grand concept. Nature, like reality, is a complex idea, an organic idea, a human necessity, and a word with multiple meanings. These concepts are expressed in our modern world in both life-affirming and perception-manipulating ways. I believe it’s critically important to be aware of this truth.
Hundreds and hundreds of coincidences. 110-story buildings of heavily reinforced steel and concrete, designed to withstand precisely this type of attack, defying the laws of physics by collapsing into small piles dust and molten metal… please.