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Tag: love

Time and Time Again

Life has a funny, yet brutal way of escorting us back to the sore spots. Sometimes, they’re so well masked we didn’t know they were still causing us harm, just beneath the surface of our process of clumsily clambering for understanding and self-realization.

To Make You Feel Loved

I think it is exceedingly rare these days that we take the time to truly get to know how someone wants to be loved; how they prefer to be treated, acknowledged, left alone or kept company; how they would be better heard, understood, and validated; how they want to be touched and embraced, or how they’ll be open to it when they feel safe.

Great Things

There’s such an immense pressure we put upon ourselves in our culture to “do great things” with our lives. I think we almost always miss the point entirely. It’s an contrast between materialism and what really matters.