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Tag: love

Boredom and Purpose

Boredom is a signifier that you are not on purpose. It’s one of many so don’t overthink it.

Purpose, doesn’t necessarily mean something huge. It doesn’t necessarily mean something all-encompassing. Purpose, is the heart-centered, soul-centered, deep reason for your being—for right now; it’ll change. Life is change. Life adapts. You are always changing and adapting.

A Case for A.I. – Beyond “Smart” Inanity

In this age of big data, it seems evident that the only way to get truthful, impartial information—synthesized, analyzed, and collated from all across the world, inclusive of all gathered information since we started doing so, regardless of language, agenda, dogma, bias, borders, politics, or budget—will be through employing the natural evolution of said data: A.I.

The Unified Challenge

To come together in any sort of peace, unity, cooperation, and planetary harmony, humanity needs a solidifying, stabilizing, magnetizing purpose that allows us to channel our need for struggle, challenge, and contrast—one that impels us toward greater ideals than infighting, warring over imaginary lines in the dirt and resources, and bickering over dogma and spiritual ignorance.

Love in the Time of Chlorine

We’ve all peed in the pool. We’ve all gotten home to realize that no matter how much we scrubbed and rinsed, we still reek of chlorine. That’s how it goes in a society, too. We’re products of our environments, for the most part, regardless of how often we profess to be otherwise. It’s not a conscious thing. It’s an energy thing; a field that permeates the observed and the directly experienced.