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Tag: masculinity

Mamas and the Trans Trance

In my opinion, and I understand that this is a contentious issue in this day and age, the most important thing for women to be in life is mothers. Not all women, of course. Why? Simply put, it is critical to the health, survival, and proliferation of the human species — unless you believe in the lies of climate alarmism or population control, the “threat” of A.I. or transhumanism, malignant transgenderism, or a variety of other pseudoscientific nonsense.

Firestarter: On Being a Man

As men, we have aspirations, desires, goals, and aims, and as a result, we tend to be hard on ourselves on a regular basis; giving ourselves shit for taking too long to get an idea (or our careers, or families) started, not earning enough, not having enough confidence, not being healthy or strong enough, being a beta male, p-whipped whiner — whatever it is. It’s alright! This is natural, par for the course, and very, very common, even among the most successful, rich, and wealthy.

Real Men

I’d wager the title of this article is enough to trigger most of us. If so, it demonstrates just how bad things have become in this regard. We need to grow up.