If you’re truly interested in it — an art form or skill, another language, a stronger, healthy body or mind, a trade, fixing an engine, travel, coding, reading more books, sailing, film stunts, special FX makeup, building CG worlds, scoring a film like John Williams, writing a script or novel — make it a part of your life, or it’ll remain apart from it.
Tag: philosophy
You’ve undoubtedly read a number of books, sufficiently covering the gamut of self-help, philosophy, success, how-to, spirituality, business, and relationships…
If I were to guess what my father has spent on lottery tickets over the years, the numbers get interesting. The psychology behind lottery and gambling is interesting, too.
We are never alone in the struggles and pains, nor the joys and victories.
whatever we may be battling with, regardless of how personal and unique to us it may seem, is never ours alone. it’s not how this reality works.
Newness is addictive to the wanderer-type. We can bounce around careers, vocations, projects, relationships, cities, countries… without taking the time to become utterly amazing at something.