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Tag: self compassion


The ways in which we go about our everyday have a tendency of repeating themselves. We complain about the same things, defer and delay the same things, shy away from the same things, and oddly, wonder why life keeps offering us the same things.

The Gentle Winds

As we transition toward a grander, multidimensional perspective, seeing how time and tense isn’t as linear as we’d previously believed, all aspects of our human psychology will evolve and require a bio, neuro, somatic, and psychosomatic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic reorientation.


Life can have us running around in circles, ever in the search for truth, clarity and purpose. From our earliest of days and years, foundations are laid that push us, our minds and our bodies in certain trajectories. How much of that time do we devote to pausing, deep breaths and contemplation?

Old Stories

It is true that you can know where you’re at in your journey — if you’re learning your lessons and growing beyond the limits of the old, and likely small story — by looking objectively at the people and situations that are occupying your life.