We tend to inundate ourselves with shoulds, have-tos, need-tos — amongst all the other worries and legitimate concerns of living. We attach a lot of our creative energy to tasks, and lists, and anxieties about future things, piled on top of whatever may still linger from what has passed.
Tag: spirituality
There is enough. Everything else is a lie. I need to remind myself of this time and again.
All the rushing around and bumping into things aren’t going to ever add up to fulfilment and purpose. Incessant doing-ness is but a coping mechanism for the spirit’s unrest; rest more.
Life happens. It doesn’t question, though it seems endlessly curious. It doesn’t force, though it frequently shows immense, patient, world-creating power. It doesn’t wait, though it allows for the perception of time to pass.
Most of us will go through life on a fairly predictable trajectory. It would take a concerted effort to live outside of the established parameters of what came before, doubly so because we learn most my modeling, training, and educating by the same means and influences.