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Tag: success

Face-Flattening Exercises

Like many lifelong-learners, I’ve suffered through periods of outright analysis paralysis. I’d study and absorb everything I could about what I was really excited to do (or be), what I wanted to do (or be), or what I was interested in maybe trying one day (to be)… It really never ends. And today, there’s an absolute glut of information and resources at our fingertips that can and will keep us floating around in existential limbo forever. Undoubtedly, I learned and personally grew the most by actually doing something. In hindsight, I should have resisted and complained less, and embraced the process.


It’s generally understood that the mind can’t distinguish between what is imagined to be happening, and what’s actually happening out in the world (i.e., you benefit from either imagining that you’re working out at the gym, or by actually going to the gym). What if everything we’ve ever imagined having done or achieved has already happened?

You’ve Already Succeeded

You’re not finished, and you’ll never get it all done, but you have already succeeded. You’ve pursued your mission, in one way or another, and while you certainly feel you haven’t done nearly enough—that you could be of better service, that you could be more at ease, and more profitable or productive—those ideas are based on industry, not on spirit.

The Chase

There’s a lot of clever language and programming out there that keeps us spinning around and dazed, frustrated, directionless and at odds with ourselves and each other.