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Tag: history

Something of a Phenomenon

What if the sun is a local phenomenon? It sure behaves as if it is. How does that alter your perception of this realm? Does it make you cringe? Angry? Laugh out loud? Or does it affirm what you’ve suspected for a while now? It doesn’t matter to me. My purpose in this life is to shine a light on the lies, the shadows, and the darkness. In three words, it is quite literally to amplify the light. It is not to polarize, separate, and divide; it is to unify, intensify, and make vibrant and evident that which is real.

The Infinite Dance of Good and Evil

Throughout the ages, humankind has existed in this realm amid a persistent conflict or contrasting of energies, a master wave comprised of myriad pulsing frequencies of smaller waves. This simulated reality construct maintains an oscillation of lived physical experience somewhere on the scale between good and evil. Regardless of the civilization, era, or epoch, it appears an uneasy homeostasis is perpetuated, whether by conscious and obvious or unconscious and subtle means. Whatever the circumstance, whatever the reason, the evidence is clear that neither good nor evil ever dominates entirely, but neither do they secede.

Status Quo, Part 4: Escalation

It appears that at least once per generation, and on numerologically significant dates, events are orchestrated to shock and traumatize the human collective. The unsuspecting masses are abruptly interrupted and knocked unsteady while simply living their lives, enjoying familiar routines, pursuing their careers or vocations, practicing their arts or trades, bettering themselves, or providing for their families.

Status Quo, Part 3: War, What is it Good For?

War is a racket, both as a loud and disturbing noise, as well as an illegal or fraudulent enterprise. All wars throughout history were and are based entirely on lies, misdirection, propaganda, and fabricated narratives, employed with malice aforethought by those who have the motives and the means.

The story presented is not the real story, though it may be sprinkled with a few true facts here and there, to appease an easily misguided and misled (emotionally manipulated, mind controlled) populace. In a world of no real scarcity or lack, where humans are generally calm, caring, compassionate, collaborative, and empathic, it’s astonishing how readily and repeatedly we are goaded into playing right into the lies. Never are we to find a steadiness and lasting balance within a construct that appears to have a negative bias by default.