Yes, we forget.
However, I will not delve into the fabricated narratives surrounding the so-called “great” wars. I will not discuss how they stemmed from imperialism, particularly the decline of the British Empire and its desire to destabilize and destroy the “threats” developing in Germany and Russia — twice. Nor will I talk about how British and American corporate and banking interests backed Adolf Hitler and his nationalist movement, as it is already well-known that profit is made on both sides of every manufactured conflict, while good, decent, yet ignorant and misguided people are wiped out en masse. I do not have the time to thoroughly research yet another massive lie perpetuated and spread by the so-called “victors” of these wars over the past century. At the very least, we should all recognize that the public has been lied to, misinformed, and heavily propagandized about these events — even within the compartmentalized military-industrial complex, few truly know the details. In fact, a key objective of these orchestrated disasters is to erase history, particularly the participants and survivors who possess firsthand knowledge.
Wars are, in part, tools used to systematically bomb and destroy notable cities, ancient infrastructures, and beautiful architecture. Naturally, one of their primary functions is to subdue any state that excels and dares to chart its own course. History books are then carefully curated and revised to align with Empire’s version of events, which is passed down for generations.
This is why so little of what anyone learns in history class has historical veracity or factual validity. Yet, they continue to hammer the same stories into our heads — year after year, ritual after Remembrance (or Veteran’s) Day ritual, movie after Hollywood movie. Anyone blindly hiding behind the justification of “they fought and died for our freedom” is not only ignorant but also dangerously misled, if not outright brainwashed. Exactly what freedom are we talking about, and from what? The same control structures that existed in 1914 still dominate today — only now, they’re even worse. The nefarious web of control has grown more economically and politically entangled, socially divisive, and culturally oppressive.
Empire enacts wars, imposes trade and financial sanctions, spreads malicious propaganda, and manufactures brutal conflicts with astonishing and practiced regularity. These tactics are used to manipulate public perception, rewrite history, destabilize nations, and destroy any that dare to pursue self-reliance or independence. These are the foundations of the fake history attributed to the “world wars” and other staged human-depopulation events. But I won’t delve into that here.
Memory Erased
The “forgetting” I refer to is a profound erasure of knowledge as we cycle through physical lives, leaving us unaware of this place and the nature of earthbound existence. We are born seemingly disadvantaged, a notion distorted by religion into the idea of being “sinners.” Originally meaning “to miss the mark,” the term aligns with humanity’s frailty and susceptibility to defects, which may be less about design and more a consequence of modernity’s harmful impact.
Moreover, logocide — the distortion and redefinition of words — is rampant, fostering confusion, division, and manipulation. This linguistic weapon, clearly, serves as a popular tool of social engineering and control.
From the astral perspective, the claim is that if we retained all the memories and experiences of our past incarnations, we wouldn’t be able to learn, grow, and evolve our “soul.” To me, that’s utter nonsense. A forced hard reset ensures that the likelihood of learning anything truly useful or important is indefinitely deferred — much like most things in our physical realm, where the potential for genuine advancement, the betterment of humanity, or even any semblance of peaceful coexistence is perpetually postponed (unless, of course, you buy into the technocratic rhetoric of embracing AI, implanting chips, altering your body, and suppressing your human nature — “or we’re doomed!”).
We forget that we’ve been deceived repeatedly — possibly across countless lifetimes. What kind of loving god, having “created us in its image,” would subject aspects of itself, or its children, to such a never-ending trap? It wouldn’t. Therefore, this reality construct must be founded upon and framed within an elaborate architecture of deception and lies.
Yes, we forget.
In our innocence, we are born again to human parents who exist somewhere along the spectrum of fractional, granular learning — and perhaps a little metaphysical remembering — but are hardly wise or aware enough to avoid harming us, their beloved offspring, or holding us back. From the moment we emerge, we may be subjected to all manner of insult and injury, depending on the awareness and education of these parents. If they choose to align with cartel medicine, we, as vulnerable infants, will no doubt suffer immediate toxification and poisoning through the needles and protocols of the establishment. Even before we can speak a single word to say, “Get real, are you stupid?” we are pushed far off our natural path and set on a road of perpetual bodily damage, courtesy of asinine and harmful cult-like medical practices.
Of course, there are far better options. Here’s a thought: we are not born wrong, broken, or lacking in any way — and we can heal and adapt. Those who are a little less wiser to the system may opt for home births and, even better, choose to raise their children far removed from the clutches of modernity. These, I would argue, are the fortunate few. Their remembrance may be considerably swifter and more successful, granting them easier access to their source and pristine origin, allowing them to fully and unabashedly embrace the best this earthbound life has to offer.
Such individuals will speak and act artfully and powerfully, in effortless harmony and direct connection with nature. They will know nothing of lack or scarcity. They will immediately recognize the grand lie in which most of humanity exists, with any deceptions becoming obvious and dispelled from the start. And, after death, if they so choose, they may indeed return to this place again to continue their journey — not through coercion or manipulation, but from a place of full awareness and understanding of who they are and what this place truly is.
When you live in harmony with nature, in love and understanding, you create harmony around you. All the conflicts you see in the world are a result of people not understanding the truth — that we are all one.
— Volodya, from Book 4: Co-Creation (Ringing Cedars of Russia)
For most of us, it will take a significant part of our lifetimes to recollect what was forcefully stolen or suppressed. Many will never get anywhere close, and after death, they will be swiftly recycled back into the system that efficiently and expertly convinces them to try again. This time, they’re told, they’ll grow and evolve. They’ll believe they could have done better, that they failed to achieve their goals last time because they were distracted by impulses and reactivity. They want to believe they’ll clear some of that pesky karmic debt, finally meet their true soul mate, and live the dream life they’ve always imagined…

Learn the Rules or Be Forever Ruled
In a realm where humans are frail, suggestible, and endlessly manipulable, the odds are stacked against us. Generation after generation, we repeat the same mistakes, reduced to what history shows we do best: kill each other. Despite epic stories and lessons of violence, nothing truly improves.
We’re pushed through manufactured crises, and within a few generations, we forget. Critical truths are erased, histories rewritten, and lies propagated through institutions, media, and academia, shaping the minds of the young. Dissent is crushed, and resistance is propagandized into oblivion.
Though some truth-seekers and rebels challenge the narratives and truth occasionally trickles into media and culture, these efforts fail to shift the Machine’s relentless momentum. If they did, our world would look entirely different.
Yes, we forget.
Perhaps this isn’t a flaw but something inherent to the design of this realm, this construct, this simulation. The endless cycles of lives must serve someone or something, somewhere. Is there a way out? Is this a trap, or did we willingly choose a life of uncertainty, pain, and competition? Did we agree to exist as frail, easily manipulated beings, bound to survive and thrive at great cost? Or have we merely incarnated at the low point of a dark age within a vast cycle?
True answers may elude us until we transcend the “meat suit.” While we may glimpse higher consciousness in fleeting sparks, through deep meditation or purposeful out-of-body experiences, some argue for inducing such experiences through chemicals or natural “medicines.” To me, this is just another form of distortion — a temporary escape that requires disruption and opens us to spiritual interference or corruption. It’s not a solution, nor does it benefit humanity universally. For me, it’s simply not good enough.
Resolution and Spiritual Recapitulation
In my view, we are born with virtually limitless potential, which is quickly interrupted, intruded upon, dislocated, and disturbed. We are melded with, or as, something parasitic, a piggybacking presence that cannot be attributed to anything altruistic, loving, genuine, or knowingly welcomed. We were not fully or impartially informed, and thus, we could not, in full awareness and good conscience, consent. As I said earlier, much of our lives may be spent reclaiming even a fraction of that inherent and intrinsic spiritual capacity. If we’re fortunate, we awaken to the lies and distortions handed down to us and alter our trajectories — both here and, perhaps more importantly, beyond all impositions and control structures.
The layers of our entrapment can be discerned by those who are aware and willing. Will is the critical factor, for the deepest truths are likely to emerge only when the curtains of deception can no longer obscure our perceptions. Will is liberating, and freedom itself is an act of will.
To embody and experience what is authentic, real, and true is the ultimate aim. This pursuit will surely shake us to the core, resonating deeply with our pristine and pure source essence. It is through this resonance that we can detach, disentangle, and dispel the parasitic darkness — an unwelcome and uninvited guest that has lingered since time immemorial.
Yes, we forget. Let us now remember.