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The Homestead: Sovereignty, Self-Reliance, or Continued Dependence?

What do you really want? How often do you make the conscious effort to sit and let your thoughts be free for a time and to see what sort of inner guidance, questioning, answering, and authentic motivation may surface?

Many of us are feeling the effects of the ongoing “Big Squeeze,” wherein costs of living continue to rise while overall quality and standards are always going down. The costs of having shelter, feeding yourself, educating yourself, and pursuing your best life are, for many, being priced out of reach. As a result, many are actively, and perhaps finally, seeking alternatives, ready to alter their trajectory toward a different path. But what path would be best for you and your family?

There are many fabricated concerns floating around the zeitgeist today. Nonsense constructs such as climate change, fake outbreaks and epidemics, and technologically induced disasters are regularly weaponized by service corporations (globalist entities, governments, military, and state authorities) to restrict, cajole, coerce, manipulate, terrorize, demoralize, and control ever more aspects of an otherwise allegedly free and progressive society. The big squeeze is all-encompassing, existing and operating in the material, metaphysical, and psychic realms. The more we adhere to long-trusted institutions and governments and their life-suppressing, totalitarian policymaking, the less and less we’ll be able to move about, make big plans, and do unto others in ways that are considerate, fair, friendly, community-building, trusting, and peaceful.

In truth, there are no climate emergencies, viruses don’t exist, and vaccines have never been proven to do as they’ve been advertised to do. There is technology that can be utilized to minimize the effect of and dissipate hurricanes or tornadoes — or cause rain to fall upon a forest fire. There is no socially beneficial reason for age-old centralized control mechanisms of inflation, taxation, ever-increasing surveillance, and belligerent government overreach. In Canada, tens of thousands of new public sector hires over the past decade have served only to dramatically increase their overtly divisive lawmaking and intrusive policies. Every industry has been infested with destructive and destabilizing practices, trickling down from cloistered and externally controlled offices on high. So, we must take it upon ourselves to continue to build an alternative, parallel system — or to be willing to learn from or join in with those who have for a long time been doing just that.

Exploring Living Options

Even if you’ve been living under a rock, hiding out in your parents’ basement, or staring at social media and news feeds all the time, you’ve likely been getting a sense that it’s probably wise to move away from city living, especially large cities. These hotbeds of systemic political and ideological infestation are rife with divisive, coercive, mind-control, and propagandistic messaging everywhere you look. Whether you’re aware of it or not, it is programming and affecting your state of mind, your beliefs, and your values and priorities. The ubiquitous technocratic apparatus is intrusive, mind-altering, gaze-stealing, and parasitic. It is designed to bring out the worst in you — to keep you anxious, afraid, defensive, and paranoid — unless you’re actively and vigilantly maintaining control over your exposure to it, and seeing it for what it really is.

There are, at this time, a wide spectrum of living and lifestyle options and opportunities available to you, and they vary dramatically based on geography, topography, the country you’re living in, and what is most important to you in your life. If you’re willing to change, to grow, and to learn new things, you might be surprised at how much you may change the trajectory of your life in a very short amount of time. Very few will ever be courageous or aware enough to change directions or to take full responsibility for their lives, come what may, resolved simply to sit back, complain incessantly, be reactionary to their circumstances, go along to get along, and do nothing to improve their situation. This is a learned behavior, and our culture is heavily mind-controlled into an unconscious victim mindset. It is not an easy thing to simply shift away from and let go of when it’s all you’ve known. But maybe it’s time to do just that.

You might also be pleasantly surprised how much better you may be treated if you uproot from all that is familiar and move to a different country.

If you’re of a nomadic spirit, you may have considered or are already living in a “tiny home,” or, more likely, one that is on wheels. You can easily move your home whenever you like and try out new scenery, climates, and living environments with relative ease. You enjoy the minimalist lifestyle and the freedom of flexibility it offers. You’re likely single or with a partner, but not likely thinking about starting a family. It all depends. The biggest issue you may face is finding safe and/or legal places to set up shop.

Next, we have the ideas of eco villages, or planned communities. There are, of course, pros and cons to these types of living arrangements as well, not the least of which is how well you’d be able to get along long-term with a select few people if you’re going to be sharing resources and common spaces. You do have a certain amount of autonomy and individual freedom, but it’ll depend on the ethos, regulations, and statutes of your particular community.

Then there are homesteads, or family estates. If you’ve read the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series, you’re well aware of the idea of a “kin’s domain” and all that entails. These individual plots and properties, today, are generally referred to as “family estates,” especially in Russia, where the idea was born (or perhaps, reborn) over the past 30 years or so. Words have meaning, and this distinction is likely due to legal considerations and the nature of establishing settlements in accordance with changing local, regional, and national policies. Today, there are over 530 of such settlements across the world, though many may not even be registered — nor would they want to be.

A homestead, or family estate, is generally perceived to be a generational property, owned in perpetuity by one family and their descendants. At least, that would be the presumption, though it flies in the face of the modern mindset of independence, freedom of movement, and endless pleasure-seeking. Regardless, based on the notion of a kin’s domain, the idea would be that on a property that is more or less 1 hectare in size, a family would be able provide for all of their needs, but specifically food, water, shelter, and perhaps even energy production to maintain access to modern amenities. The idea of “off-grid” is increasingly popular, but few likely realize what is required to be entirely self-sufficient and self-reliant — at least, in the early days, and perhaps years, until the property is defined, designed, flourishing, and growing in earnest. There are many ways to approach this kind of living, though the general idea would be that one must learn to work aligned with nature and natural cycles, to deeply and intuitively understand the needs of your space, and to be reliant on little to no external inputs from chemical or industrial practices.

The primary goal, in my view, is to be as completely detached and disentangled from the establishment and centralized governing authorities as possible. Why? Because, as you may have noticed, “they” are increasingly disruptive, intrusive, controlling, costly, and inching apace toward completely unnecessary supply-chain disruptions, bureaucratic complexity and restrictions, and overtly centralized corporate control. There are no doubt plausible arguments to be made from those who don’t build, create, farm, or generate anything of real or tangible value. Think hedge fund managers or billionaire tech moguls and their utterly useless yet overly influential existence. That is the very epitome of the parasitic mind that persists in our age-old institutions, megacorporations, and governments of all levels today.

When you’re truly living off your land, you offset dependence and need less and less of their offers and contracts and will have fewer obligations toward a system that benefits only centralized banks and “globalist” agendas.

Nomadic vs. Permanent Living

Nomadic living offers you flexibility, but you’ll often be reliant on temporary solutions for water, power, and food. Of course, you may also be in a phase of your life wherein you prefer not to have any attachments or any concerns as to a home of your own. You may prefer to wander the world and explore for a time, getting to know other cultures and perhaps happening upon a place more in line with your spirit and genuine preferences. A generation of nomadic entrepreneurs continues to flourish in these modern times of increased connectivity and access. But will it last? In a world with constant fake wars and shifting, fabricated borders and volatile political environments, you need to be aware that things can change very dramatically and very rapidly. Consider the events of 2020-2022 and how the entire modern world was spuriously and forcefully shut down.

Permanent living, on the other hand, tends to offer the stability and perhaps reliability of working in one location, allowing for long-term planning and slowly building your infrastructure toward self-reliance. You can test different methods and experiment, failing forward, while getting to know your land, its cycles, and what it might need from you. Naturally, you’re more likely to be financially, physically, and even spiritually invested in your settlement or local community, because while you may have a certain skill set and specialize in certain aspects of life, others nearby may provide you with — or be open to teaching you — useful skills and share, lend, or cooperatively develop other tangible assets you may not be able to provide for yourself.

Of course, the most notable difference between nomadic and permanent living would be a preference toward relative isolation rather than the potential of having or building a community of like-minded people or families with similar aspirations. It behooves us to perhaps be open-minded and to thoroughly try something out before closing the door to opportunities for personal growth, deep and meaningful connections, greater aspirations, and perhaps completely different goals than we’ve imagined based solely on our past experiences.

Off-Grid and Self-Reliance: How Far Are You Willing to Go?

There are any number of varied requirements when it comes to living either partially or completely off-grid. Much of that will be determined by the preliminary research you do when seeking out and deciding what kind of property you invest in. And you may find within a few months or years that it isn’t working as you’d hoped, but you will have learned a lot in that time, as will always happen when we’re active and engaged with life.

What kind of climate do you prefer? Is the area more arid or humid? Prone to hurricanes or tornadoes? Seasonal flooding? Are there rivers or streams, or is there potential for drilling wells for water? What about power? Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, generators, or? What kind of food will you be able to cultivate and grow? Will you farm, have livestock, or be able to hunt or forage? Is it just for yourself, you and a partner, or are you planning on starting or growing family?

What about the allodial title? Is it possible? Where is it possible, and what is involved in owning your property outright? How about local, regional, or national politics, bureaucratic, and economic considerations? What about living according to traditional values and your preference for spiritual or religious freedom? Is there a toxic industry or large-scale agriculture in the vicinity? There are many things to consider. Fellow Canadians such as Takota Coen and Curtis Stone provide consulting services, workshops, and ongoing education in this regard. Many have gone down this road in recent years, so you’re not alone if this is something you’re considering.

One of the essential questions you’ll need to ask yourself is to what degree you’d be willing to cut ties from modernity and the amenities and conveniences you may have become accustomed to for most of your life. What are you willing to live without? We tend to take for granted much of what we rely upon daily, whether it’s internet access, mobile service, clean and abundant water, cheap electricity, easy access to fuel for our vehicles, convenience stores, big box stores, doing business, and in-person or online banking. Living a potentially rural and significantly more autonomous life may, at least in the short term, increase costs and require significant compromises to maintain connectivity, convenience, and regular access. Depending on the nature of your business, trade, or employment, you may be reliant upon some infrastructure or financial assistance from private or public sector offerings.

Sovereignty and Natural Law

When it comes to ideas such as sovereignty and law, most of us are quite ignorant and unprepared. Should we be faced with bureaucratic encroachment and trespass, we wouldn’t know how to handle the situation without causing ourselves further worry and potential fees, fines, and legal ramifications. We don’t really know where we stand, what the law is, or how to protect ourselves or our property (your person is also your property).

Today, there are plenty of free and/or inexpensive tools and educational resources which are available to all. Services such as the InPower movement, Sovereign by Design, and the Sovereign’s Way are but a few. Again, these are starting points, and the process requires practice, study, and a mindset detached from complicity, complacency, and simply going along to get along, hoping things will just work out for the best. It is upon the individual to come to their own innerstanding of Natural Law, and working in the private, so to avoid being blindsided or walked all over when it comes to the policies and practices of increasingly authoritarian and totalitarian governments of the modern world.

Come What May…

There are clear and evident problems with “the system” we’ve been living, creating, and operating within for generations. But even the most hard-coded aspects of our reality started as something far less obvious and intrusive. A frog slowly getting boiled in a pot of water comes to mind, wherein over decades, perhaps centuries, gradually, these dark psychosocial aspects take shape and become normalized, and even expected, simply because we have obscured and occulted the memories of times when it wasn’t so. In my view, we benefit greatly from being vigilant and aware of our surroundings, more cognizant of malevolent and parasitic agendas, and being self-educated and proactive — rather than paranoid, quietly desperate, and reactive to whatever unfolds. The ideological push and the socioeconomic squeeze will persist, and our long-held reliance and blind trust in industrial capitalism will continue to be abused, challenged, and tested. The entire construct may indeed come crumbling down, as the fall of every civilization must inevitably come to pass. We will no doubt be faced with difficult questions and stark realizations while being increasingly pressured to adapt. But that’s just how life is, at this moment in history, in our realm. How well will you be able to weather a great shift, or another worldwide disruption, should it come to pass?

As a worst-case scenario, centralized governments adhering to some kind of misplaced parapolitical one-world-government agenda will continue to do what they’re right now doing and, perhaps inevitably, destabilize and bankrupt the country you live in. This shouldn’t be too shocking, as it happens all the time in our credit-based system. The problems arise in the aftermath and how much citizens who’ve stuck around will have to endure in the years of economic recovery and “fiscal restructuring.” It has happened many times throughout modern history and continues to happen with regularity, to the extent that one can safely presume this is all part of some grand scripted narrative process that we the people have little effect upon or ability to avert and prevent. It would seem that planned destruction and forced relocation are par for the course. Take a good look at what is happening across the realm today as evidence. Millions and millions have been forcibly displaced from their native lands and have flooded into other nations en masse. Very few countries or states have been spared some sort of dramatic sociopolitical or economic disruption.

It is difficult to imagine or foresee what kind of repercussions these events may have on the state or province you live in, or the cities you live nearby or within. Hollywood and the likes of Netflix are more than happy to keep pumping out negative and nefarious messaging regarding end times, apocalyptic levels of destruction, the “humans are parasites, inherently flawed, and need to be culled” narrative, and moronic zombie attacks — but that’s all predictive programming and mind control with malicious intent. Don’t buy into any of it. You are the power. You are a creator being.

If you are awake and aware, informed, educated, discerning, and self-reliant, and perhaps living on a settlement with other homesteads or family estates that are also either largely or entirely self-reliant, you will be far less affected by these cyclical narratives, staged events, and manufactured eventualities. You would be able to weather the storms or even ignore them completely.

Come what may, you would want to feel enabled to live your life according to your values and priorities relatively uninterrupted. At the same time, you would be an integral part of building and emboldening a parallel economic and/or political system that will replace the one that is due for collapse. In the grander sense, of course, you will be concurrently elevating and amplifying collective thought, lending itself to a more beautiful world we all know is possible — one that still exists deep in our code of life and genetic memory, long-forgotten and yet ever-present in one form or another. The more steps we take toward inwardly aligned living and lifestyles, the more momentum we may build toward satisfying that greater dream of returning to pristine origins.

Whatever you choose is right for you, at this time, in this moment. Trust that. The aim of this article is simply to provoke, induce, or inspire the questions and self-inquiry you may have been deferring or entirely avoiding. It’s always a good time to get better informed about your options and to perhaps commit yourself to a path wherein you are empowered to make better-educated and spirit-infused choices for you and your family.

Solvitur ambulando