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Be Rational, Or Else

Man can rationalize anything.

Today, in Brazil, rainforests are burned to the ground to make way for China’s beef production. Meanwhile, massive protests are happening in the cities due to the outright corruption and threats to social freedoms by the tyrannical leadership of both the legislative and judiciary levels of government. The same story is playing out in dozens of other countries for various and similar capitalist and commercial intentions and motivations. The marauding forces of commerce simply keep moving onward, effortlessly changing their identity, shape, and colors, leaving behind but a few scapegoats, perpetual legal battles, and the charred remains of land and resources in their wake.

In most Western nations, politicians and those acting upon some evidently higher authority have opened the floodgates for mass immigration, destabilizing social cohesion, disrupting economies, and fomenting violence while enacting laws that protect the invaders, not their own citizens; those who’ve worked their entire lives and paid their dues, their taxes, and with their blood, sweat, and tears — those who were themselves sold capitalistic lies about life, family, purpose, values, and a meaningful existence.

In the UK, numerous staged and planned violence-inducing events were orchestrated throughout 2024 to fan the flames of racism, religious extremism, cultural differences, and political divisions. Conveniently, laws were enacted wherein average citizens could be terrorized, arrested, and sent to prison for sharing an opinion that “could possibly, maybe, eventually, in some roundabout way” ruffle the feathers of ideological nutjobs, or invaders and immigrants, criminals and extremists who were welcomed with open arms, given financial aid by the state, and placed accordingly in order to best subvert and subsume a social order and create chaos, hatred, fear, and cultural upheaval. Watch your words because they’re watching you, or some other vapid Orwellian bullshit, which has the “truther” and “sovereignty” and “traditional values” community all excited, no doubt inspiring dozens of thrilling and emotionally charged documentaries to come, none of which will be seen by more than a handful of curious people who are already well aware of the narrative.

The same is happening in Canada, the US, Australia, and other relatively wealthy and arguably stable nations, but it’s a different breed of the same animal. It’s a long game that is well over a decade into the process. The UK is/was an excellent testing ground because it is relatively small geographically, though the message was quite loud, pushed to every screen, and has certainly reverberated across the realm. Of course, the agenda has largely failed, and most of the extremists are in prison, but peace was disrupted and stolen, and uncertainty now lives in the culture and minds of an entire nation, inviting ever more asinine and inverted laws and regulations.

In 2020, the world’s greatest medical fraud to date was imposed upon billions of otherwise well-meaning humans. Many millions have died as a result. Many millions more are injured, damaged, and crippled. Millions lost their jobs, careers, or businesses. Families were destroyed. Friendships were erased. A generation of children have been psychologically and emotionally traumatized. Propaganda reigned supreme, and mind control was imposed to a scale none of this generation had experienced since 9/11. None of it happened in line with natural law, though perhaps that’s one presumption too far. Something and someone allowed it to happen. They, the tired, confused, socially distancing masses, were sold the same old lies about contagion and disease that were long ago falsified, disproven, and laid to rest. But truth and legitimate science matter not to the likes of military, intelligence, political, pharmaceutical, and banking interests. Money and power matter. Terror and fear matter. Mind control and brainwashing matter. In our realm today, peace en masse seems only to occur and exist by accident.

It’s all simply part of someone’s equation, an AI-assisted algorithm, and morality, compassion, and doing what is right and just not factoring in. Sure, it’s sold in the media, rationalized by cowardly and corrupt pundits, experts, and corporate shills, cleverly cloaked by doublespeak, propaganda, and traumatic distractions that steal your gaze while just beyond your field of view another scheme and agenda is taking place.

Given enough access and latitude, man can be convinced of anything and thus rationalize almost anything. They can be turned very easily against one another. They can be primed and programmed en masse through their screens, their books, their religions, and their arts. Most believe in a whole litany of nonsense fabrications, reality distortions, and big damn lies. Most are completely unaware they exist in a dream, one layer of one dimension that represents little more than a grand comedy, a sad and sterile illusion of what may indeed be real elsewhere.

We learn to cope. We get very proficient at rationalizing everything, and we teach that same disempowering nonsense to our children — not only through our spellcasting of words, but our behaviors. We make excuses about things both trifling and significant, every day pushing our better knowing down, down, down. But, just as sunscreen is toxic industrial poison that soaks into your skin, your internal organs, and your bones, all of our inane practices and mechanisms of presumed protection and security are poisons that soak into our minds, our spirits, and suppress our inherent vibrance and our indomitable souls.

We choose to play out nearly everything about our lives on a surface level, through superficiality and artifice — through convenience and complicity. We are proudly oblivious actors. We choose to play within the ever-changing rules and regulations of the construct, abiding by childish, nonsensical, and arbitrary “laws” that have little to do with the perfect order and laws of Nature, or God. And we rationalize it all. We’re just trying to survive, trying to live a good life, trying to make do, trying to get along, after all. And what’s wrong with that? Our baseline existence has become so far removed from our true essence and our real, original substance that rationalization is all that remains.

We must cope. We must strive for virtue. We must tolerate, invite, accommodate, and accept everything and everyone because, ultimately, we now stand for absolutely nothing.

Solvitur ambulando