In a world dominated by distractions and superficial connections, we’ve lost touch with the depth of human expression, opting for filtered communication and fragmented interactions, while neglecting the authenticity, presence, and harmony that are essential for true connection, healing, and growth.
Category: Journal Entries
thoughts, ponderings, experiences and lessons learned. or, something deep and life-changing.
In life, we must check in with our hearts, listen to our inner compass, and stay open to adjusting our course as we move with purpose and anticipation toward what calls us, even when the road ahead is unknown.
How can you know who you are or what you truly want out of life if you never push your limits, hone and adapt your skills, or discover new interests and abilities?
Love is love. It adheres to no doctrine or dogma, yet it survives them all.
Acknowledge, appreciate, understand, and be grateful for the desires of your heart. These feelings and emotions are important indicators of resonance and can help us determine how much we are or are not being those things for ourselves.