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Conditions on Love

Conditions on love. The world is always in a state of chaos. The parasite class and their psychopathic minions continue to do their worst, knowing their version of the world is swiftly and absolutely coming to an end. They’ve ramped up their trusted, centuries-old, insanity-generation mind control machine to its highest level, and still their silly impish efforts fail to take hold. Certainly, there are many who fall into the traps. Lives are lost, avatars are snuffed out. Some still take the bait, biting down madly out of habit and practiced bewilderment.

Conditions on love. Every week, every other day, another fake, fabricated, or fraudulent catastrophe assaults our primary senses; another socially engineered blip sold as a market crash; another regional and localized toxic overload sold as an outbreak of another non-existent contagion; another stabbing, riot, uprising, and missile launched into a children’s hospital by heartless, senseless, violent, hungry-for-war monsters. Nonsense. They’re fathers, uncles, brothers, and sons, just like you and me. They no more want to harm your children than they’d ever wish to harm their own. You believe you’ve witnessed a horror, but you’ve seen only an artifice, a construct, a presentation, nothing more. You’ll never look more closely to see the flaws, the tells, the giveaways, and the truth hiding plainly in the details. They’ve already moved onto the next hoax, lie, and deception. There’s no time to investigate. The world is in constant chaos, remember? Pick up the flag, sign up for the protest downtown, and don’t forget to change your profile photo to the conveniently supplied colors and banners. Join the cause! It’s the only way the world will ever change! Stand with Gaza, Israel, Blacks, Whites, Trans, Cis, Ukraine, Russia, Islam, Christianity, salt and pepper make it better. Netflix, booze, and pizza will still be there later to numb the pain and provide another dose of reality distortion before you hit the pillow.

Conditions on love. It’s all nonsense, but they need it to seem like it exists, as if it were real; your imagination is a powerful thing. You are a creator being. Coupled with your emotions, relative, and subjective years of programming and conditioning, many seeds lie dormant, hiding in the depths, ready to be triggered, ignited, and called up at a moment’s notice. They may even be activated in your sleep, when you’re most vulnerable, but even in dreams, you are the master. Many of us will readily succumb to the stageplay and fakery. They’ll buy the ideas of increasing random violence and assassination attempts, whatever it takes to steal your peace of mind. They trust the screen, their god, their singular connection to reality; it is their teacher, mentor, master of recorded history, prognosticator, and soothsayer. The screen knows all. The screen is the source. Nonsense.

Conditions on love. We all have them. And they’re all lies and philosophical distortions of the simplest and most profound aspect of our transient earthly and infinite existence beyond. The notion gets perverted and twisted around through all manner of illusion and delusion we suffer and stumble through in a life. Word magic and spell casting we didn’t even know we’d submitted and agreed to have forever ruled our hearts and minds. Yet we seek, desperate and alone, for meaning, understanding, and clarity that’s always and forever merely a thought away, cloaked in a haze of logical variables and incomplete mental calculations. The truth is not out there. It is within.

Conditions on love. Rather than liberation, we find entrapment, worry, anxiety, mind games, and calcifying cynicism. We default to the illusions of protection and safety, employing superficial defensive postures and spiritual justifications. It’s childhood trauma; it’s abuse. It’s the patriarchy. It’s the dragon mother. It is a monstrous list of known and unknown assailants that exist only in concept and ideation, in atemporal vibration, that drilled their way into our bones, our muscles, our organs, and our forever chemicals. For the rest of our days, we may make every effort to unload, unpack, deprogram, and depolarize to allow the original substance to surface and emerge anew. Back to the beginning, when all was forgotten, yet enough was retained.

Conditions on love. They persist if we resist.

Solvitur ambulando