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Tag: authenticity

Beyond Childhood

Life will always be pushing you to hone, refine, resolve, overcome—to be the whole you. It could be your woman, your man, your friend, your so-called enemy, it doesn’t matter. Who or what it is is relevant to you, in the present, at this junction, because it’s only ever now that offers us the chance to grow, to change, to align with our truer nature, or to continue dying.


Your judgments change nothing. Stop squandering your creatorship. Use what you see in the world simply as a reference point. Use it as a reflection, as a mirroring of things that you yourself can effect change toward by changing your own consciously aware behavior.

The Last Time

On the awakening path—on the journey to emotional, spiritual and conscious maturity—we’ll come time and again to familiar roadblocks. Frustratingly, the reality is that what wasn’t supposed to happen again, did. But this is the crux of the process, because if we choose to react heavily, to resist, to spiral down the same trap of negativity (the martyr/victim paradigm), we set ourselves back into that old groovy rut from whence we are working to elevate.

About Face

We can get so turned around in life that we fear losing shitty relationships, shitty jobs, and shitty habits. The small story can get so convoluted that we believe when someone says “that’s life,” they are in fact saying, “that’s all there is to life…” This is so far from the truth it hurts to proofread it.