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Tag: psychology

Simple Being

Our modern world affords us a multitude of tools, methods and modalities with which pursue our aims, goals and ends — in virtually all aspects of life. The means, however, are far more complicated, distracting and misleading than we’d like to believe.

In Defense of Annihilation

It’s clear that as a species, we need the ideas of climate crisis, and global economic and political collapse. We require these seemingly insurmountable challenges to both unite us, and to force us to break through the patterns and paradigms that have brought us exactly and perfectly to this intensely catalytic point in modern history.

More Than Mediocre

Look at life as a malleable construct, an ever-willing co-conspirator, that is designed and defined by your intentions, aspirations and deliberate choices. There is unlimited energy here. Mediocre is merely a transient event. Look again.

Just Friends

I’ve been single for more years in this life than I’ve been attached. There are probably many reasons. The unfortunate side effect, however, is that I’ve not made many friends who are women; I’ve always found it difficult to be “just friends” with a woman, especially if they’re attractive to me. This, of course, is exacerbated by my perpetual bachelorhood. Yet, as ever, there’s a lesson in all of this.