You’ve undoubtedly read a number of books, sufficiently covering the gamut of self-help, philosophy, success, how-to, spirituality, business, and relationships…
Tag: spirituality
We are never alone in the struggles and pains, nor the joys and victories.
whatever we may be battling with, regardless of how personal and unique to us it may seem, is never ours alone. it’s not how this reality works.
There is no delay. There are conditions and pre-conditions. Manifestation is instant and persistent.
All that stress, anxiety, worry, and fear around finding a mate, partner, career, purpose, passion, or hairstyle, is a tremendous waste of energy.
If they won’t, can’t or aren’t available to meet you halfway, move along. Spiritual connection takes precedence over the animal/carnal needs (perhaps a tall order in a hyper-sexualized society). If it’s to be, it will.