As we all know, cycles repeat. History repeats. Civilizational, life and natural cycles, political, financial cycles — all sorts of cycles, both obvious and unnoticed, repeat. Much of this is by design, as there are those who are well aware of the propensities, blindspots, and biases of the average human, and their expertise at pulling the strings behind the scenes is the stuff of legend.
We believe ourselves to be so very advanced, perhaps shielded from widespread failure and collapse in the modern age, but it takes only a few DAYS without our amenities, dependencies, and infrastructure that we largely take for granted for chaos and calamity to ensue. And if it isn’t made of stone or concrete, it will rot, decay, and be reclaimed by nature quite rapidly.
Even severely diminished and rebooted societies will naturally progress. Societies in the throes of war or enduring cataclysmic or periodic resets proceed from a certain point, structurally, financially, culturally, politically, and spiritually. The population may have been quite small and isolated in the early years, having suffered massive losses, forced to rebuild from the basics of survival to progress through to the largely technocratic world we inhabit today. All of this can happen within a few centuries. Within that society, over time, things just seem to iron themselves out. Sociocultural issues — be they racial, religious, commercial, or what have you — somehow rectify and reform and conform themselves, culminating in the organic resolution of larger issues. A society, left to its own methods and means, left to its own inherent and unbridled genius, may indeed become more industrious, abundant, commercial, and prosperous. Eventually, institutions of education emerge and will continue in earnest to promote and produce higher achievers, yet, inevitably, these same institutions will begin to promote and produce uniformity and demand conformity.
Somewhere along the line, the intellects, after a generation or two of general peace, ease of living, and widespread prosperity, no longer under the pressure from primal drivers, sociopolitical weights and measures, unfettered by outdated dogma and survivor guilt, begin the unfortunate cycle — a downward spiral of philosophical proportions.
Talking to experts does make a difference. Many of the great disasters of our time have been committed by experts.
— Thomas Sowell
They, in their boardrooms, salons, forums, and think tanks, in their political offices, in the cloistered and privileged halls of hard-won prosperity, begin scheming. They see themselves as morally superior, virtuous, and capable of fixing and improving the situation for those whom they deem to be less fortunate, less advanced, and less capable. The deem themselves as worthy social justice warriors, and demand equality as the highest value and of utmost priority.
Their influence spreads and cross-pollinates every other institution, as they lobby and labor to bring the broader cultural story in line with their own refined socialist values and priorities. They, in essence, with competence, good reason, and logic, attempt to fix and remediate what isn’t in reality broken — or, perhaps, given time, will resolve itself. With ever-increasing meddling, manipulation, and maneuvering, this process virtually ensures that everything gets broken. Ultimately, we find ourselves, once again, in a communist sociopolitical situation, because it’s only fair and what is best for all.
We think our civilization is near its meridian, but we are yet at the cock-crowing and the morning star. In our barbarous society the influence of character is in its infancy.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is never merely one obvious social step nor any singular political choice along the path that subverts a rich and prosperous culture and returns an advanced or harmonious society to this soul-crushing, spirit-oppressing, and genius-stultifying state of things. It is the inevitable result of numerous decisions and policies sold and indoctrinated socially through ever-increasing state propaganda. It is ideas marketed as “the right and moral thing,” hidden among the slogans and banners and colorful flags of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” “safety and security,” and, of course, “gender equality” that accumulate on the road to economic, spiritual, social, and cultural perdition.
Why? Because of corruption. The code of the operating software gets warped and distorted. Whether the intellects fall victim to their own social engineering, circular reasoning, or simply suffer degradation of their souls through repetitive conspiring, scheming, planning, and profiting, the original substance and functional ontology of inborn and natural genius is supplanted with protocols, constructs, and artifice.
The change of which many people are afraid is a change away from the path of ongoing industrial development to which they have become accustomed and addicted.
They have internalised criminocratic propaganda to such a degree that they really believe this is the best possible future for humankind.
Therefore they are very suspicious of, even hostile to, anyone who dares suggest that we need to take a different civilisational direction.
Corruption begets corruption, ensuring a cyclical self-negating and self-annihilating perpetual motion machine continues its marauding at an ever-increasing pace and efficiency. Nothing is spared, for all that was previously treasured, spiritual, meaningful, or sacred is a threat to the survival of the machine of “for the better good.”

Here We Go Again?
If we were to take an open and honest, critical thinking view of the world as it is presented to us today, we have to consider whether we may have already passed the point of no return. Does humanity progress only so far before it can go no further?
Do we even get a choice in the matter? Does some force, special interest, worldwide conglomerate interfere with our progress? Would we be able to effect any shift in such a vast and all-encompassing agenda? Are we somehow responsible for generating and perpetuating such an equal and opposing force? Is it all part of the Grand Illusion within which we find ourselves, living out lifetime after lifetime, civilization after civilization?
It is from my research, specifically, The Strauss-Howe Generational Theory, advanced in their books, Generations and The 4th Turning, that I was inspired to add the quote, ‘Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.’ The quote is an oversimplification of generational theory, and simply surmises that as a nation state goes from a difficult existence to prosperity, the generation that has been coddled, ‘the weak men’, lose their way, causing hard times for society. The weak men become complacent, forgetting how their forefathers gave birth to the good times and even become antagonistic to the norms of which the nation became successful. The sentiment behind the quote is not new, in fact it is old if not ancient. There has never been a generation which doesn’t look at the younger generations and believe they were weaker.
Perhaps it’s not as simple as this old and oft-quoted adage suggests, but it does have a familiar and recognizable ring. In any society, through prolonged “good times,” we undoubtedly find that there develops an abundance of “intellects,” much as we have in the world today. Alongside this, we see the inevitable increase of apathy, ennui, depression, and social unrest. Automation and systemization increase, and fewer and fewer men and women engage in traditional careers and vocations. The young are systematically educated, indoctrinated, and informed by the same mass media and centralized information sources. Eventually, they put away the books and begin to carry devices in their hands that, in one light, provide them with access to the combined historical knowledge of the entire civilization, while in another, keep them gazing at the same severely reductive, perception-distorting narratives: the same music, the same entertainment, and the same general knowledge as everyone else.
This process, unfortunately, leaves them fundamentally weak: weak of character, integrity, and lacking in substance, real-world experience, and grit. Their struggles are largely superficial and imagined, and thus they dream up and fabricate problems, issues, and concerns; they derive from it a crusade that virtually ensures a broader suffering throughout their society, often projecting their psychopathy, branching out across borders and nations to promote childish and unfounded nonsense such as diversity, equity, and inclusion to other cultures and societies, to “save them from themselves,” when nothing could be further from the truth. Eventually, the underpinnings of transhumanism take hold, because it’s not the intellects that are the problem. No, it is the frail, fickle, emotional, confused, organic, and natural human beings that are to blame, and we must transcend these messy and unpredictable limitations at all costs.
Certainly, in the beginning, they may have a foundational impulse of good intentions, but we all know how easily good intentions may be repurposed, inverted, perverted, subsumed, and put to better use by those who are cleverer, more manipulative, and more seasoned in the art of “progress.” Being unburdened by traditional labors and physical concerns, having access to food and drink and drugs on every corner — even delivered to their door — they, having been instilled with the same amount of genius and potential creative force that anyone would be born with, need desperately to find outlets for said creativity, for passion, for the spiritual fire that burns inside us all. They need that crusade, and one tends to finds them.
How, then, are they so easily misguided and misled? Is the algorithm not capable of growth beyond hubris, ego, and arrogance? Once greed and immorality sneak and snake their way into the intellectual zeitgeist, must the ensuing imbalance and maelstrom play itself out to the bitter end?
On the surface, it seems that we live in a time of great progress and momentum. Yet the energies are conflicting, contrasting, and competing, leaving humanity and our civilization in both a chaotic and undetermined state. There’s an uncomfortable awareness that the system at large is suffering from a bad or corrupted programming language that very few, if any, are capable of discerning or becoming aware of until it is far too late. No matter what is encoded, an aspect of it is lacking and incomplete.
History repeats itself, but each repetition brings man ever nearer to God. We are facing that kind of transition right now, and our message to man is an endeavor to sufficiently awaken the whole intellectual world to that higher spiritual knowledge which unfolds the Light of genius in man. Higher knowledge of our universe, which creates Cosmic thinkers, is the only remedy for transforming this unhappy kind of world we now live in into one which is founded upon love and unity in the brotherhood of man…. Can anyone who has the courage to look at this civilization of ours squarely in the face say that the world is united into one brotherhood of men who love and serve each other? Can one rightly say that man’s love of culture and ethical practices indicates that he has arrived at a high state of intelligence?
— Walter Russell
It seems, in my view, there is an underlying negative bias to this place, and that bias is supplying one side of the imbalance with a constant flow, while the other, perhaps the natural default, allegedly meant to bring balance to the force, as it were, never quite gets enough. Onward it spins, lopsided and maligned. There’s an interference pattern, a wobble, that seemingly ensures consistent and unwavering resources for the nefarious and life-negating, and while those interests and entities never quite achieve all they want, never really succeeding in their aspirations and desires, neither does that of the righteous, moral, loving, and life-giving. Collapse and reset visit us again and again, and perhaps that is just the way of things in this realm.
Solvitur ambulando