If we give in to the suffering, its energy will sweep us away, as it always does, into the spiral — down and out of our presence, out of our now, and into the sea.
But if we recognize the cue — the trigger and that initial push toward the edge — we can quickly defuse the noise and rise above. In doing so, we can learn, let go, and reframe suffering as a lesson and a source of lightness. We can grab the weed and rip it up by the roots, once and for all.
Suffering is a point of view, a perception. It carries with it ideologies, beliefs, fears, and the practiced punishment of our old companions: guilt, shame, and self-loathing.
Alternatively, it can be seen as a healing, empowering door opening to transformation. This perspective runs counter to our cultural conditioning and can therefore feel like a challenge — until it is given the chance to become a healthy habit.
Love your life.
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“Burn It Down (The Divine Arsonist)”