A brief discussion of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s court case regarding freedom of speech in Canada. The College of Psychologist’s is forcing mandatory “social media re-training” in order for Jordan to keep his license, after a dozen or so complaints were submitted online about his tweets and Joe Rogan podcasts. The Supreme Court has ruled against his appeal, ruling that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has no force against the mid level bureaucrats who rule the professional colleges and regulatory boards. This is a blow to all working professionals in Canada who value freedom of speech, to say nothing of those they serve.
It’s August 2024. This is a watershed moment in Canadian history, and for Western nations in general. For example, consider Bill C-63. It is introduced, in part, under the guise of an amorphous, ambiguous concept such as “online harm,” but, in practice, it will result in increased censorship, social unrest, and further instills and legitimizes communist sociopolitics in the future. When a law is intentionally left unclear, ill-defined, and open to interpretation based on the politics of those involved, it’s a dangerous, slippery slope that will put the “Digital Safety Office,” their enforcers in the police services, and the unwitting yet obligated judiciary in hot water.
It seems quite evident, in my view, that a society will eventually destabilize and collapse as a result of this overly simplistic and yet predictable scheme in which anyone can be fined, arrested, tried, or imprisoned for simply speaking up and sharing their opinion, whether online or not. Heaven forbid you should ever criticize or insult our era’s foolish, narcissistic, corrupt, captured, and cowardly politicians.

…Bill C-63 seems to blend together straightforward and legitimate issues with ones that are much more vague and impractical. Consequently, it’s harder to simply accept or reject.
There’s also the question of who has been influencing the drafting of this content… The Bill would create a Digital Safety Office of Canada, and an Ombudsman to oversee it. In essence, it would add a new layer of bureaucracy to specifically monitor “digital safety”.
Content that foments hatred is “defined” in this Bill, but is still vague. Additionally, it seeks to be able to attribute specific motivations to expression. What may be valid discourse to some will be considered hate speech to others.
There is a disclaimer that this wouldn’t apply to content solely because it expresses “disdain or dislike or it discredits, humiliates, hurts or offends”. Sounds great, but that also is subjective as well, depending on the views of whoever is interpreting it.
Harmful content in fact lists 7 different categories, and all of them at least somewhat open to interpretation. What can easily happen is that these new laws will be selectively applied, depending on the politics of the people involved.
All of this is happening on the heels of the covid fraud, wherein the infuriating, divisive, damaging, and destructive policies enacted and thrust upon much of humanity during 2020-2022 no doubt generated an unprecedented amount of hatred toward the health ministry, the police services, and the political and ruling elite for their utter disregard and disdain for the mental, emotional, and physiological health and well-being of their citizenry, contrary to their ridiculous and fabricated scripts and gaslighting speeches offered throughout that extended period of outright psychological warfare. Add to that the unrelenting onslaught of the Woke, Trans, and Climate agendas, mix in uncontrolled and rampant immigration, and pile on endless conflicts and wars “over there” that none of us can do anything about — nor can we comment on or criticize the prevailing narrative — and you’ve got a hotbed of bewildered, frustrated, and potentially furious people — many of whom have few outlets within which to express their emotional and philosophical quandary.
When the government repeats the same key words and slogans over and over again, year after year, this is a ‘frequency of propaganda’ deliberately maintained to provoke specific changes in the structure of culture at large, like how sound frequencies affect the geometry of grains in a cymatic resonator. We are the grains, and culture is the resonator.
If you’ve been paying attention to politics, and even if you haven’t, you will likely have noticed that the most common words uttered from the mouths of our insufferable government ‘ministers’ are: ‘islamaphobia’, ‘antisemitism’, ‘racism’, ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’. This is almost all we ever hear about. Why?
Our society today is largely disenfranchised and culturally dissociated. We’re reeling from the effects of constant and aggressive psyops like covid, the continual barrage of fictitious avian, swine, and other heavily marketed “flus”, and, if you’re old enough, the hoax of 9/11. As ever, the parasitic political class and their special interest overlords are clever and well prepared when using our emotions and psychology against us. In fact, it is arguably their singular mandate to keep the people fighting amongst themselves, to be divided, polarized, and unsatisfied. And somehow, they’ve got these sorts of “acts” and “laws” waiting in the wings. How very convenient. Problem, reaction, socialism. Problem, reaction, communism.
Who benefits? Not you. Not me. The state benefits. The warmongers benefit. Industrialists and bankers benefit. In Canada, the Federal Government has ballooned by over 110,000 new hires since 2015, favoring Social Development, Health Agencies, and the Revenue Agency. Why? As I’ve written about before, government has to remain relevant to the people, and what better way to seem to be of use than by being everywhere, involved in everything, and aggressively pushing a certain “we’re here to protect and provide” narrative, led by a virtual-signalling mindless automaton?
They’ll take that control of our freedoms, thank you very much, and happily flaunt their hubris, moralistic ineptitude, and very likely staged incompetence. Because it’s for the better good. It’s to make everyone feel safe. Naturally. So what if rapists, murderers, and other violent offenders are granted leniency while political dissidents and dissenters of conscience are sent to prison? Meanwhile, these same, self-important political elite have to sneak around the country, never announcing where they’ll be, always with an armed escort.
We’ve seen the initial rumblings and reverberations of such lawmaking and the utterly asinine grandstanding of talking heads with their “we’re watching” rhetoric recently in the UK. As expected, we find media firms — the industrially cloistered and complicit harbingers of persistent lies and reality distortions that they are — actively proliferating and propagandizing the issue in their usual scripted, mindless, and arrogant ways. They’re fomenting far more anxiety and unrest than is warranted, but, sadly, that is their singular function. They’re one level below the putrid stench that is the political morass in our top-down hierarchical narrative and reality generation machine. To be sure, it will only get worse for us all if we continue to blindly and passively play along with this perception-shaping charade.
…we are supposed to believe that our latest unelected crime minister ‘two-tier Kier’ and all his sycophantic cronies, as well as the police, media and judiciary are all super concerned for the wellbeing of every muslim, black, jew and alphabet person, they literally love them ALL, no exceptions, none can do any wrong and no amount is too much for this country.
According to the UK government, these groups are the creme de la creme of humanity, the hope of the world, the most eligible and employable livestock, deserving of endless credit, every special right, privilege, protection and favour that can be conceived! We must flood the towns and cities with these people!
The UK says ‘Come home to Mother Britain, dear POCs, we will love you and care for you until the ends of time, nothing is more important to us. You will be preferentially hired in all professions as a matter of urgency, regardless of skill or experience. All you need is a colourful skin tone or a kinky sexual bent.’
In the article quoted above, you can substitute “Canada” for “UK” and “Canadian” for “British” as the same agenda is playing out in nearly all Western nations at the same time. How is that possible? Here’s another quote:
When politicians repeat stuff, they are conditioning the public to accept it, and thus manifest the reality in culture i.e. if they keep saying ‘islamaphobia’ its because they want more ‘islamaphobia’.
From this point of view, the likely reason for the ongoing conflict in the middle east would be to cause all nations to become divided on this issue, weakening them to the point of ‘physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion’ (and it’s working). While the ‘hot war’ may be confined to small areas, the much colder spiritual war is happening everywhere all at once.
Similarly, the reason for the nauseating exaltation of the precious alphabet people, is to provoke a reaction from christians, since everything the alphabet brigade stands for is specifically opposed to the teachings of Christ.
Whereas Christ is represented in the most exquisite works of art and cathedral architecture, acts of sacrifice, humility and charity, the Alphabetians follow the religion of scientism, and are represented by gaudy displays of flesh, debauchery and orgiastic vulgarity such as ‘pride month’, Eurovision and the 2024 Olympics.
The Woke, Trans, and Climate cults are running rampant and unchecked across the modern world, infesting, inverting, and perverting every government and public-facing institution along the way. We’re decades into this sociocultural conversion process now, wherein a generation and more of Westerners have been aggressively and without pause normalized and inculcated into their agendas. Many in the mainstream easily sell out, mindlessly recruited with simplistic and misleading slogans and colorful flags. If this maneuvering is not countered with any significant amount of social resistance and legal, lawful remedy, there will be only continued widespread societal, cultural, economic, and political destruction left in its wake.

This brings to light some interesting things that most of us aren’t aware of in our day-to-day lives. Who introduces these bills? Lawyers, career politicians, and those who work in the public service industry. Those with the access, assets, and the means to do so. Those who live primarily in cities and are exposed to the ideas and energies persistent therein and rely upon and believe in their news and media feeds on a daily basis. They are the heavily indoctrinated and likely the most mind-controlled lot of us all. In addition to that, they very likely have a cultural or religious affiliation that is perhaps contrary to or in conflict with the predominant culture that exists. In Iraq, where a bill has again been introduced that would reduce the age of allowing girls to get married to 9, one may reasonably presume they’re pedophiles.
Lobbying is a reality in politics. Special interests groups lobby money to get certain agendas pushed, and to get money for their causes. This is hardly news. Searching the Federal Lobbyist Registry, the following names come up:
- Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)
- National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM)
- Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF)
- YWCA Canada
- Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
Are there others involved in this? Probably, but these are the names that come up, which appear to be relevant to regulating speech and expression.
— Canuck Law
The average Canadian, American, British, Australian, German, or other member of the general public anywhere an apparent democratic process occurs is unaware of and has certainly not been fully informed nor in any way involved in introducing these acts or laws. They generally learn about them well after the fact, if at all, and never in detail. They’ll hear about the purportedly generous, reasonable, and considerate aspects that could benefit the country and its people — or, more likely, someone’s political career. Politicos will never advertise the fact that, in addition to these vaunted or socially popular and trendy terms, they included a slew of clauses, subsections, provisions, and considerations that will only benefit the state, banks, special interests, or some other “globalist” industry or enterprise.
They will, of course, use popular figures like Jordan Peterson to make an example in order to further enforce and twist things around in the perceptions of the zeitgeist. I’m not in agreement with everything Dr. Peterson stands for, but on many of the issues plaguing our civilization and the prevalent and pervasive constructs of the forced consensus and engineered narratives of our time, I am of a similar opinion. They will seek to imprison, disparage, discredit, or embarrass those with the loudest voices who speak out against corrupt and coercive narratives or malevolent agendas.
It ultimately comes down to this: Will you buy into the story? If you believe the mainstream media and its headlines, you are almost certainly accepting their manipulation and distortion of the truth. Will you allow them to weaponize your emotions, control your thoughts, alter your beliefs and perceptions, and limit your freedom of expression?
This is a short clip from episode #389 of Mike Rowe’s podcast The Way I Heard It. I think it’s relevant to this discussion. A longer clip is here. The full interview is worth a watch or listen. You can find that here.
Solvitur ambulando