What if the sun is a local phenomenon? It sure behaves as if it is. How does that alter your perception of this realm? Does it make you cringe? Angry? Laugh out loud? Or does it affirm what you’ve suspected for a while now? It doesn’t matter to me. My purpose in this life is to shine a light on the lies, the shadows, and the darkness. In three words, it is quite literally to amplify the light. It is not to polarize, separate, and divide; it is to unify, intensify, and make vibrant and evident that which is real.
What does that mean? To me, without light, we cannot see. Nothing registers in our field of perception. Human eyes are designed in such a way they allow us to experience our material and sensorial reality as an apparent physical universe all around us. But light is also levity, liberation, truth, love, and a spiritual unfettering.
To me, it means to expose fabrications, distortions, and misrepresentations of nature that are observable and authentic. I am not claiming to be infallible. I’ve believed many ridiculous things and trusted many ridiculous people and their misguided, uneducated, and ignorant ideas. I have believed in many strange and uncommon concepts and those considered to be esoteric, obscure, and occult things in this lifetime. And I have had to let most of them go because they simply do not fit the model anymore. I’ve had to slowly, surely, and through a remarkable waste of time, energy, and resources, reduce all the incessant noise and make the effort to distill it all back to its original substance. The goal is to shift the direction of energetic flow from constant input and information gathering to output and a truer collaboration with whatever it is that impels me to create.
So, back to the local phenomenon known poetically as “the sun.” I wrote a song once called “See The Sun,” and it is still one of my best. It means to see the truth in all things — to see what’s real about your nature, and what is real about the nature that surrounds, supports, and sustains you. Let go of the stories, the narratives, the indoctrination, and the life-suppressing calamity and ubiquitous negativity. Understand your deeper purpose here and recognize that you haven’t the time to waste in perpetual fear, anxiety, worry, and terror that is based entirely on the lies perpetuated by those who simply can’t be and do any different.
The sun has been observed to do many strange things over the millennia. One of which is to stop, reverse its movement, and then start again. What? Have you heard of Fatima and what happened in 1917 in Portugal, as seen by tens of thousands of observers? Is it any wonder that some “ancient” civilizations simply didn’t trust the sun? Watch Jason’s video to get a quick sampling of things he has read about in some very old books and has researched otherwise in his decades of chronological study. He is but one of many scholars and intellects who, throughout recent history, have come to the conclusion that what is perpetuated in the zeitgeist and collective story is not what has been observed to be true.
If you believe the sun to be a local star and to be a burning ball of gas tens of millions of miles away, and that we live on an orb that is pathetically minuscule in comparison (yet perfectly placed at the perfect distance from it), that the Earth spins at ferocious velocity, and that it rotates, tilted, on an axis and also orbits that ball of gas — a ball that will eventually run out of fuel — that’s fine. I used to believe that as well — and in outer space, and in warp speed, and in dark matter, and in supernovas, big bangs, black holes, and in atoms and atom bombs — and yes, even in contagious viruses. It’s so complicated, isn’t it? Modern “science” works so hard to fill in all the blanks, and if it can’t, it just keeps making shit up in its place, and then THAT becomes the truth from which all other science is based? What?
They tell us that we are made up of atoms, “made up” being the keyword here as ‘atoms’ has never been proven in actual science, it’s a theory. Same thing as our cells, since they cannot be viewed or studied whilst alive and working as a part of our bodies. What science call ‘cells’ are theoretical drawings ‘made up’ from black and white electron microscope images taken from dead samples of tissue that has been bathed in solvents, chemicals, and heavy metals, which has broken down and destroyed the tissue, and then it’s frozen, because an electron microscope will generate a temperature of 150°C (302F) at the moment it takes its picture, which evaporates the sample. Whatever is left in the tissue sample after such a harsh treatment is what they based our ‘cells’ on, and also all their theories of how a cell actually works. Yes indeed, how our cells are structured, what alleged parts they contain, and how they work is all based on theories, on speculations that fit into an overall unproven theory of the ‘cell’ and its ‘interactions’ and ‘functions’ within the human body.
Today, I believe that many of these things are nonsense, clever and devious stories told incessantly to keep the majority of humanity fearful, small, confused, isolated, disconnected, and completely unsure of where they are, where they stand, who and what they truly are, or why they’re even here.
Do you believe it is by chance that there is a constant stream of entrainment and indoctrination (or, more commonly, entertainment and education) about alleged World Wars, civil war, zombies, epidemics, and outbreaks, post-apocalyptic life, alien invasions and abductions, the moon landing, godzilla and dinosaurs, climate disasters, psycho killers, mass murderers, and stalkers, as well as an aggressive push for transgenderism and transhumanism? It is not. There is a powerful and persistent negative bias in all forms of media, and it affects you in ways you are unaware of.
Call me old fashioned but if someone tried to get me to genocide myself and my family via the utilization of propaganda and mind control fake disease/fake vaccine campaign (plus had planned it all out for decades in advance) I wouldn’t just sit there pretending everything was OK. Action is the opposite of laziness and we’re not seeing too much action today, even from the surviving victims of this psy-op. The hard day of resistance is too much to climb at times, for people who have found a cozy nest within the inverted illusion, which media and government manufacture for us daily. Resisting is hard, acceptance is a lazy way to deal with evil……..and there’s a lot more acceptance than resistance these days, if you haven’t noticed.
I’ve seen the same shows and films, and I’ve read many of the same books as you. I’ve been emotionally moved, invested, attracted to, and inspired by the same characters, archetypes, fictions, historical accounts, and poetic representations repeatedly. I, too, have found solace and ways to cope with the often overwhelming realities of life in these numerous and ubiquitous distractions. I believe you would agree that the human element is what makes entertainment real, if not the only thing. It is the story, the journey, the overcoming, the transformation, the road out into the wilderness, and the discovery, understanding of self, purpose, and the realization that this is the same road that will lead you home.
So, today, it makes perfect sense to me that the sun is a local phenomenon. It makes sense that the sky, the sky clock, and the vast and impressive stellarium above us move, but we on Earth and the Earth itself do not. I’m not sure what will make perfect sense tomorrow. But, in truth, there is no such thing as tomorrow either.
Solvitur ambulando