When the tide is way out, and the sun is on its way down… the vast sandy beach manifests a dramatic, diffracted canvas.
It’s a time of great change — but isn’t it always?
Artist. Writer. Amplify the light.
When the tide is way out, and the sun is on its way down… the vast sandy beach manifests a dramatic, diffracted canvas.
It’s a time of great change — but isn’t it always?
Many have talked about how humanity is going through an apparent ascension, awakening, elevating of consciousness and other similar, speculative terms. I am certainly one of them, for which you’d find plenty of evidence in my past articles. But I believe now the idea requires some elemental grounding — and perhaps an alternative, matured perspective, given the events of recent history.
We’re in the midst of widespread and multi-faceted impositions; an assault on our senses and sensemaking, accelerating nefarious agendas, collapsing regimes and realities, and the systemic exposure of the ugliness among us that’s been hiding in plain sight forever.