Observing people and listening to their earnest conversations is a subtle way to get the pulse of a community, and a limited, but general sense of where the broader collective is currently at — with regard to conscious awareness, beliefs, moral consensus, cultural values and ideologies. It’s just information, but I invariably find it to be telling. There is always more to what’s merely said or shared, and I find it fascinating.
Tag: presence
You might think it’s possible to live in the past, or the future. But right now is all you get. So long as you agree with the linear way of things, that’s how it has to be.
There’s a psychological trick we may unintentionally disrupt the flow in our life with, only because, as per usual, we’re not even aware that we’re doing it. In fact, we employ a lot of paradoxical or conflicting programs all the time, so it’s no wonder that we often find ourselves flailing about or otherwise overwhelmed, confused, frustrated and stumped. This inevitably leads to a variation of the blame/shame game, and more often than not, it turns inward.
There is an idea in the new thought era that speaks to the concept of following your heart. What we desire is perfect and unique to us, and this statement and idea is quite often misused and abused by the new-age-minded crowd.
It’s an odd idea, this spreading the message of love. Love is a given. Love is eternal, beyond mind, outside of quantification and qualification. So, what are we really trying to spread?